A New Way to Send and Receive Payments

Arlington Computer Products improved their financial processes and operations using the new AribaPay cloud-based B2B payment service.
Agile business services are entering into a new era, an integrated and on-demand approach to ordering, billing, and settlement processes between buyers and seller. A prime example is Ariba’s partnership with Discover, the financial services organization, to create AribaPay.

At the recent 2014 Ariba LIVE Conference in Las Vegas, BriefingsDirect had an opportunity to learn first-hand how the new approach works and benefits a first major user, ACP. To understand how AribaPay fulfills the last critical step in an end-to-end P2P process, we sat down with Arly Guenther, Chief Executive Officer at Arlington Computer Products in Buffalo Grove, Illinois, and Drew Hofler, Manage Cash Solution Marketing Director at Ariba, an SAP company. The discussion is moderated by me, Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions.

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