My Security Playlist: Now Playing Access Management

The Who asked ultimate Access Management question…”Who Are You?” So do we listen to Paul McCartney said and “Open the door and let ‘em in” or kick them to curb as the Stones suggest…”Hey You, Get off of my Cloud” The answer is different for each organization because, not every employee, partner or customer is equal.
While I peruse my morning inbox, I enjoy listening to music on my iPod. It just so happens this morning’s first random selection served as the inspiration for today’s blog: Let ‘Em In by Paul McCartney & Wings.
There is nothing more damaging to the overall enterprise operation and business reputation than permissive access policies. Considering the all the entry points from applications to social media to email to cracks in the network perimeter, it is incumbent upon any company of any size to take security more seriously than a cost center or after-thought.

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