[session] Bridging #BigData and #IoT | @ThingsExpo #DigitalTransformation

Big Data has been changing the world. IoT fuels the further transformation recently. How are Big Data and IoT related?
In his session at @BigDataExpo, Tony Shan, a renowned visionary and thought leader, will explore the interplay of Big Data and IoT. He will anatomize Big Data and IoT separately in terms of what, which, why, where, when, who, how and how much. He will then analyze the relationship between IoT and Big Data, specifically the drilldown of how the 4Vs of Big Data (Volume, Variety, Velocity and Value) intersect with the 4Cs of IoT (Connectivity, Collection, Context and Cognition).
He will dive deep into the matrix chart of the 1-to-1 mapping of individual aspects. Case studies and best practices will be discussed to further dissect the synergy in real-world business solutions.

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