2015 Will Be the Year of the Platform By @ServiceNow | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

This past year has continued to see rising enterprise cloud adoption, and with it efforts from tech giants to control the cloud through price wars. Like most things, the path we’ve taken to this point will certainly impact where the road ahead will lead.
If 2014 was the continued battle for cloud infrastructure, 2015 will be the rise of the cloud platform, as enterprises will focus on creating apps and workflows that take advantage of the growing platform options across enterprise needs such as HR, Financial Services and IT. The rise of the platform will bring with it a variety of other changes – all of which stem from more and more CIOs turning to the cloud to deliver substantial innovation and business results. From verticalization to data as a service, we’ll ring in the new year with dramatic changes to the cloud landscape that stand to transform how we view and utilize cloud technologies. Below are five enterprise cloud platform inspired predictions for this coming year.

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