Dropbox revamps as enterprise collaboration space to help users conquer ‘work about work’

Dropbox has launched a significant redesign, repositioning itself as an enterprise collaboration workspace and moving away from its file storage heritage.

The move will see Dropbox aim to be a one-stop-shop. The relaunched desktop app will enable users to create, access and share content across the Google and Microsoft portfolio, opening Google Docs and Microsoft Office files, offer synchronised search, alongside partnerships with Atlassian, Slack, and Zoom.

The latter partnerships are of particular interest; users will be able to start Slack conversations and share content to Slack channels directly from Dropbox, while also being able to add and join Zoom meetings from Dropbox, as well as again share files. The new features with Atlassian weren’t announced, but Dropbox promises ‘enhanced integrations [to] help teams more effectively manage their projects and content.’

As a blog post from the Dropbox team put it, the primary motivator for the move was to address the ‘work about work’ which slowed many organisations down. “Getting work done requires constant switching between different tools, and coordinating work with your team usually means a mountain of email and meetings,” the company wrote. “It all adds up to a lot of time and energy spent on work that isn’t the actual work itself. But we’ve got a plan, and we’re excited to share how we’re going to help you get a handle on all this ‘work about work.’”

From the company’s perspective, the move makes sense. As regular readers of this publication will be more than aware, the industry – and almost all organisations utilising cloud software – has moved on from simple storage.

Dropbox has made concerted efforts in the past to help customers get more out of their data, rather than the data itself. In October the company upgraded its search engine, Nautilus, to include machine learning capabilities – primarily to help understand and predict users’ needs for documents they search for as and when, rather than being slaves to any one algorithm.

Indeed, it can be argued the company has shifted away from cloud computing as both a marketing message and as an internal business process. Writing for Bloomberg at the time of Dropbox’s IPO filing last March, Shira Ovide noted that the company building out its own infrastructure – a two and a half year project to move away from Amazon Web Services (AWS) – helped make its IPO proposition more viable.

You can read more about the redesign here.

Picture credit: Dropbox

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The six pillars of cloud cost optimisation – and how to get them to work for you

Let me start by painting the picture: You’re the CFO, or manager of a department, group, or team, and you’re ultimately responsible for any and all financial costs incurred by your team/group/department. Or maybe you’re in IT and you’ve been told to keep a handle on the costs generated by application use and code development resources.

Your company has moved some or all of your projects and apps to the public cloud, and since things seem to be running pretty smoothly from a production standpoint, most of the company is feeling pretty good about the transition.

Except you.

The promise of moving to the cloud to cut costs hasn’t matriculated and attempting to figure out the monthly bill from your cloud provider has you shaking your head.

From reserved instances and on-demand costs, to the “unblended” and “blended” rates, attempting to even make sense of the bill has you no closer to understanding where you can optimise your spend.

It’s not even just the pricing structure that requires an entire department of accountants to make sense of, the breakdown of the services themselves is just as mind boggling. In fact, there are at least 500,000 SKUs and price combinations in AWS alone! In addition, your team likely has no limitation on who can spin up any specific resource at any time, intrinsically compounding the problem—especially when staff leave them running, the proverbial meter racking up the $$ in the background.

Addressing this complex and ever-moving problem is not, in fact, a simple matter, and requires a comprehensive and intimate approach that starts with understanding the variety of opportunities available for cost and performance optimisation. This where our six pillars of cloud optimisation come in.

Reserved instances (RIs)

AWS Reserved Instances, Azure Reserved VM Instances, and Google Cloud Committed Use Discounts take the ephemeral out of cloud resources, allowing you to estimate up front what you’re going to use. This also entitles you to steep discounts for pre-planning, which ends up as a great financial incentive.

Most cloud cost optimisations, erroneously, begin and end here—providing you and your organisation with a less than optimal solution. Resources to estimate RI purchases are available through cloud providers directly and through third party optimisation tools. For example, CloudHealth by VMware provides a clear picture into where to purchase RI’s based on your current cloud use over a number of months and will help you manage your RI lifecycle over time.

Two of the major factors to consider here are Risk Tolerance and Centralised RI Management portfolios.

  • Risk tolerance refers to identifying how much you’re willing to spend up front in order to increase the possibility of future gains or recovered profits. For example, can your organisation take a risk and cover 70% of your workloads with RIs? Or do you worry about consumption, and will therefore want to limit that to around 20-30%? Also, how long, in years, are you able to project ahead? One year is the least risky, sure, but three years, while also a larger financial commitment, comes with larger cost savings
  • Centralised RI management portfolios allow for deeper RI coverage across organisational units, resulting in even greater savings opportunities. For instance, a single application team might have a limited pool of cash in which to purchase RIs. Alternatively, a centralised, whole organisation approach would cover all departments and teams for all workloads, based on corporate goals. This approach, of course, also requires ongoing communication with the separate groups to understand current and future resources needed to create and execute a successful RI management program

Once you identify your risk tolerance and centralise your approach to RI’s you can take advantage of this optimisation option. Though, an RI-only optimisation strategy is short-sighted. It only allows you to take advantage of pricing options that your cloud vendor offers. It is important to overlay RI purchases with the five other optimisation pillars to achieve the most effective optimisation.


One of the benefits of the cloud is the ability to spin up (and down) resources as you need them. However, the downside of this instant technology is that there is very little incentive for individual team members to terminate these processes when they are finished with them. Auto-Parking refers to scheduling resources to shut down during the off hours—an especially useful tool for development and test environments. Identifying your idle resources via a robust tagging strategy is the first step; this allows you to pinpoint resources that can be parked more efficiently. The second step involves automating the spin-up/spin-down process. Tools like ParkMyCloud, AWS Instance Scheduler, Azure Automation, and Google Cloud Scheduler can help you manage the entire auto-parking process.


Ah, right-sizing, the best way to ensure you’re using exactly what you need and not too little or too much. It seems like a no-brainer to just “enable right-sizing” immediately when you start using a cloud environment. However, without the ability to analyse resource consumption or enable chargebacks, right-sizing becomes a meaningless concept. Performance and capacity requirements for cloud applications often change over time, and this inevitably results in underused and idle resources.

Many cloud providers share best practices in right-sizing, though they spend more time explaining the right-sizing options that exist prior to a cloud migration. This is unfortunate as right-sizing is an ongoing activity that requires implementing policies and guardrails to reduce overprovisioning, tagging resources to enable department level chargebacks, and properly monitoring CPU, Memory and I/O, in order to be truly effective.

Right-sizing must also take into account auto-parked resources and RIs available. Do you see a trend here with the optimisation pillars?

Family refresh

Instance types, VM-series and “Instance Families” all describe methods by which cloud providers package up their instances according to the hardware used. Each instance/series/family offers different varieties of compute, memory, and storage parameters. Instance types within their set groupings are often retired as a unit when the hardware required to keep them running is replaced by newer technology. Cloud pricing changes directly in relationship to this changing of the guard, as newer systems replace the old. This is called Family Refresh.

Up-to-date knowledge of the instance types/families being used within your organisation is a vital component to estimating when your costs will fluctuate. Truth be told, though, with over 500,000 SKU and price combinations for any single cloud provider, that task seems downright impossible.

Some tools exist, however, that can help monitor/estimate Family Refresh, though they often don’t take into account the overlap that occurs with RIs—or upon application of any of the other pillars of optimisation. As a result, for many organisations, Family Refresh is the manual, laborious task it sounds like. Thankfully, we’ve found ways to automate the suggestions through our optimisation service offering.


Related to the issue of instances running long past their usefulness, waste is prevalent in cloud. Waste may seem like an abstract concept when it comes to virtual resources, but each wasted unit in this case = $$ spent for no purpose. And, when there is no limit to the amount of resources you can use, there is also no incentive to individuals using the resources to self-regulate their unused/under-utilised instances. Some examples of waste in the cloud include:

  • AWS RDSs or Azure SQL DBs without a connection
  • Unutilised AWS EC2s
  • Azure VMs that were spun up for training or testing
  • Dated snapshots that are holding storage space that will never be useful
  • Idle load balancers
  • Unattached volumes

Identifying waste takes time and accurate reporting. It is a great reason to invest the time and energy in developing a proper tagging strategy, however, since waste will be instantly traceable to the organisational unit that incurred it, and therefore, easily marked for review and/or removal. We’ve often seen companies buy RIs before they eliminate waste, which, without fail, causes them to overspend in cloud – for at least a year.


Storage in the cloud is a great way to reduce on-premises hardware spend. That said, though, because it is so effortless to use, cloud storage can, in a very short matter of time, expand exponentially, making it nearly impossible to predict accurate cloud spend. Cloud storage is usually charged by four characteristics:

  • Size – how much storage do you need?
  • Data transfer (bandwidth) – how often does your data need to move from one location to another?
  • Retrieval time – how quickly do you need to access your data?
  • Retrieval requests – how often do you need to access your data?

There are a variety of options for different use cases including using more file storage, databases, data backup and/or data archives. Having a solid data lifecycle policy will help you estimate these numbers, and ensure you are both right-sizing and using your storage quantity and bandwidth to its greatest potential at all times.

So, you see, each of these six pillars of optimisation houses many moving parts, and what with public cloud providers constantly modifying their service offerings and pricing, it seems wrangling in your wayward cloud is unlikely. Plus, optimising only one of the pillars without considering the others offers little to no improvement, and can, in fact, unintentionally cost you more money over time. An efficacious optimisation process must take all pillars and the way they overlap into account, institute the right policies and guardrails to ensure cloud sprawl doesn’t continue, and implement the right tools to allow your team regularly to make informed decisions.

The good news is that the future is bright. Once you have assessed your current environment, taken the pillars into account, made the changes required to optimise your cloud, and found a method by which to make this process continuous, you can investigate optimisation through application refactoring, ephemeral instances, spot instances and serverless architecture.

https://www.cybersecuritycloudexpo.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/cyber-security-world-series-1.pngInterested in hearing industry leaders discuss subjects like this and sharing their experiences and use-cases? Attend the Cyber Security & Cloud Expo World Series with upcoming events in Silicon Valley, London and Amsterdam to learn more.

How to prevent AIOps from becoming just another cog in the machine

Over the past few years, companies have been rapidly transitioning to dynamic, hybrid cloud environments in a bid to keep up with the constant demand to deliver something new. However, while the cloud provides the agility businesses crave, the ever-changing nature of these environments has generated unprecedented levels of complexity for IT teams to tackle.

Traditional performance management strategies have been stretched to breaking point, as IT struggles to piece together often conflicting insights from countless monitoring tools and dashboards.

These tools collect a multitude of metrics and raise alerts when problems arise, but provide very few answers as to what actually went wrong. They’re firing out thousands of alerts every day, creating a data storm that makes it easy for problems to be missed or worsen as IT works to identify which are urgent, which are duplicates, and which are false alarms – and that’s before they’ve even gotten onto the task of understanding and resolving the underlying issue.

Hope on the horizon

Over the last two years, IT teams have identified hope on the horizon in the form of the emerging market of AIOps tools. This new breed of solution uses artificial intelligence to analyse and triage monitoring data faster than humans ever could, helping IT teams to make sense of the endless barrage of alerts by eliminating false positives and identifying which problems need to be prioritised.

The global AIOps platform market is expected to grow from $2.5bn in 2018 to $11bn by 2023, and Gartner predicts that 25% of enterprises will have an AIOps platform supporting two or more major IT operations by the end of the year. This demonstrates that there’s a substantial appetite for AIOps capabilities. However, AIOps is not a silver bullet, and there’s a risk that enterprises will fail to realise its potential if it simply becomes just another cog in the machine alongside the array of monitoring tools they already rely on.

Part of the wider solution

AIOps tools are only as good as the data they’re fed, and to radically change the game in operations, they need the ability to provide precise root case determination, rather than just surfacing up alerts that need looking into. It’s therefore critical for AIOps to have a holistic view of the IT environment so it can pull in any pertinent data and contextualise alerts using performance metrics from the entire IT stack. Integration with other monitoring capabilities is therefore key when adopting AIOps, ensuring there are no gaps in visibility and issues can be understood and resolved faster.

While IT teams would almost certainly see a reduction in alert noise when taking the ‘bolt-on’ approach to AIOps, other tools would still be required to drill down and identify the solution to a problem, taking time and manual effort. For AIOps to truly deliver on its promise and make life easier for IT teams, it needs to be part of a holistic approach to performance management.

Taking this more integrated approach will enable IT teams to not only automatically find and triage issues, but create true software intelligence that can surface answers to those problems in real-time.

Looking to the autonomous future

It’s this potential for simplifying IT operations and delivering a more efficient organisation that should be the end goal of AIOps. When done right, the software intelligence enabled by AIOps can be used to drive true efficiencies, through automated business processes, auto-remediation and self-healing.

Ultimately, this can enable the transition towards autonomous cloud operations, where hybrid cloud environments can dynamically adapt in real-time to optimise performance for end-users, without the need for human intervention. As a result, problems can be resolved before users even realise there’s been a glitch.

This AI-driven automation will fuel the next wave of digitalisation and truly transform IT operations. However, reaching this nirvana can’t be achieved by cobbling together a mixed bag of monitoring tools and an AIOps solution into a Frankenstein’s monster for IT. Companies need a new, holistic approach to performance management that combines application insights and cloud infrastructure visibility with digital experience management and AIOps capabilities.

Taking this approach will help to deliver the true promise of AIOps, providing IT with answers as opposed to just more data. As a result, IT teams will be freed up to invest more time in innovation projects that set the business apart from competitors, instead of focussing their efforts on keeping the lights on.

Read more: How to solve visibility issues from AIOps: A guide

https://www.cybersecuritycloudexpo.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/cyber-security-world-series-1.pngInterested in hearing industry leaders discuss subjects like this and sharing their experiences and use-cases? Attend the Cyber Security & Cloud Expo World Series with upcoming events in Silicon Valley, London and Amsterdam to learn more.

Dropbox reforges itself as digital workspace software

Adam Shepherd

12 Jun, 2019

Cloud storage firm Dropbox has announced a huge overhaul of its core desktop app, moving away from being a simple shared folder platform and becoming a unified cloud-based workspace.

As well as redesigning the look and feel of its platform, Dropbox has also introduced native support for Google G Suite and Microsoft Office files, as well as native integrations with partners including Atlassian, Zoom and Slack. The changes are designed to make Dropbox the central hub through which organisations do all their work, pulling in content from multiple sources to prevent having to switch between multiple tabs and workspaces.

“When we talk about the experience of using technology at work, what was stunning to me, even a few years ago was like, man, our industry just keeps making things more complicated, and just keeps throwing new stuff onto the pile,” Dropbox founder and CEO Drew Houston told Cloud Pro. “Like, who’s making everything work together?”

“And so we see, for better or worse, there’s no shortage of opportunity to improve the experience, to make it more seamless, to sand down a lot of the rough edges, and give people the best of both worlds, where they have the freedom of choice, and they can benefit from all the different tools that are out there.”

“Increasingly we saw that our customers are seeing Dropbox more as this workspace in which they use the Office suites and things like that, which triggered a pretty big mental shift for us and completely changed the concept of the product that we wanted to build.”

The difference is immediately apparent from the design changes. While folders are still listed in a pane on the left-hand side (which is now an attractive navy colour), the main body of the app is now broken up into multiple sections. At the top is a text field which allows you to add an editable summary of the folders contents or the project it relates to, as well as to-do lists. Files and sub-folders now fit below this, with badges to indicate the owner and any other people who have access. Files can be viewed in either list or grid layout, and important content can be pinned below the description for easy access.

The biggest functional change is that along with traditional desktop files, cloud-based documents from Google’s G Suite can now be stored natively within Dropbox folders. This allows teams to store all the files they’re using in one place, regardless of what software they or their clients are using.

Clicking on a G Suite file launches it in a browser window for editing, with any changes made automatically synced back to Dropbox. Microsoft Office documents can also be edited in the same way thanks to G Suite’s recent addition of Office file format support, or you can use Office Online’s web editor. If you have the desktop Office apps installed, you can still open them with these as normal.

The company has introduced new integrations with videoconferencing provider Zoom, allowing users to launch or join a Zoom meeting from within the Dropbox app, and can also present files from your Dropbox to meeting participants. Thanks to new integrations with Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook calendar, you can also see any upcoming meetings you have with co-workers and add videoconferencing details. New integrations with Slack also allow users to share files or send messages via Slack from within the Dropbox app.

This is part and parcel of Dropbox’s efforts to make its platform more collaboration friendly. As before, users can add comments to individual files (including replies and @-mentions), as well as viewing their team’s activity on them, not just on Dropbox but now also across Zoom and Slack as well. There’s a new ‘team activity’ view within the notifications menu as well, which shows you which files and folders your team has accessed or edited.

Many projects also rely on web-based content, such as informational resources like wikis or web-native SaaS tools. These can now be included in folders as web shortcuts, which will open in a browser window just like a G Suite file.

More integrations are soon to follow, too. The company is working with project management company Atlassian on functions that will allow Trello and Jira users to link these tools more effectively with their Dropbox resources, which Atlassian’s global head of partnerships Bryant Lee told Cloud Pro would be available “over the coming months”. In addition, Dropbox’s global head of business development and partnerships Billy Blau indicated that further integrations with Microsoft and Google’s additional products would be coming in the future.

“Our core premise is ‘Dropbox works with all the applications you use every day’. And if you play that forward, [Microsoft Teams] is an application a lot of people use every day; we need to have an experience that works there,” Blau told Cloud Pro. “So I don’t have timing or specifics, but you could assume in the future, that would be something we’d do.”

The redesigned desktop apps for macOS and Windows are currently in early access, and anyone is able to sign up to try them out, regardless of whether you’re a free, paid or business user. General availability has yet to be announced.

According to Dropbox CTO Quentin Clarke, the process of switching over from the old version to the new one will be seamless. Companies’ existing file structures will remain intact, and there’s no installation required – opted-in Dropbox admins can simply activate it the new interface via a toggle in their admin console.

“We’re constantly maintaining up-to-date client software on millions and millions of desktops around the world all the time. And so we can deploy the software and not turn it on – and then the matter of turning it on is just enablement.”

The new changes will be key for Dropbox’s growth in the enterprise market. Functions like searchability, version history and content centralisation have been highlighted as key considerations for enterprises, but it’s the enhanced collaboration functions that will make businesses it up and take notice, according to analysts.

“The Dropbox enhancements are additive in connecting people and content, rather than replacement of any one application,” said Wayne Kurtzman, IDC’s research director for social and collaboration. “What it does is it changes the narrative for Dropbox from being just file storage into being an enterprise collaborative app. And that brings substantially more value to any given enterprise.”

Salesforce Essentials review: Stripped-back CRM wins on functionality

K.G. Orphanides

11 Jun, 2019

The SMB edition of one of the world's most popular sales tools dials down both cost and complexity

£24/£240 exc VAT

Salesforce is one of the industry leaders in online customer relationship management (CRM) software, with a key focus on enabling businesses to keep track of clients, potential clients, sales and support issues.

While its higher-tier Professional, Enterprise and Unlimited subscriptions are both expensive and complex due to the sheer number of advanced features they pack in, Salesforce Essentials is cheaper, at £24 per user, per month or £240 per user billed annually. You can have a maximum of 10 users and a minimum of one, which helps to keep costs down compared to its other tiers, which start at £720 per user, per year for Salesforce Lightning Professional.

While the Classic edition of Salesforce is still available to both new and existing customers, we’ve focused on its latest Lightning Experience, which presents a more polished and modern user interface but doesn’t have the traditional layout that longtime users will be familiar with. Although Salesforce hasn’t indicated when Classic will be retired, Lightning will ultimately supersede it.

Essentials also limits the number of extra features it includes. Although you get access to third-party extensions, it lacks advanced forecasting and lead automation tools. A 14-day free trial gives you enough time to work out if this is the CRM solution for you.

Salesforce keeps all user data in the US, with data protection covered by the EU-US Privacy Shield.

Salesforce Essentials review: Getting started

Salesforce Essentials’ Sales home screen opens with a healthy array of dummy data for you to play with and a genuinely helpful guided setup box, which takes users through basic tasks. These include connecting a Google or Office 365 account to easily track customer communications, as well as introducing you to the sales funnel classification system for prospective customers in a variety of industries, You can customise the information you store about contacts, import existing customer data, add your colleagues – if your budget extends to that – and, once you’ve learned your way around and tried a few things out, delete all the trial data so you can start using Salesforce for real.

The first time you log in, you’re asked what you want to get from Salesforce, such as keeping your contacts organised, closer collaboration with colleagues or closing more deals – to help it present you with a set of appropriate guided tours around the service’s features.

Essentials is much more approachable and far lighter on the business buzzwords than its sibling, Salesforce Professional, which makes it a far better choice for anyone who isn’t already fully initiated into the deeper secrets of specialist sales and CRM systems and terminology.

SalesForce’s key advantage is that it replaces the databases, contacts books and spreadsheets a business might use in concert to keep track of clients and sales, and instead provides a unified environment where tracking the status of bids and opportunities is as simple as dragging them from one column to the next, with detailed profiles for you and your colleagues to annotate, so you know exactly where you stand with every customer and project.

The guided tours are rigid and not terribly interactive, but they provide a useful introduction to the service’s terminology and systems. Other tutorials open Salesforce’s integrated help and documentation system, while extensive tutorials are available on Salesforce’s dedicated Trailhead site.

Very early on, you’re pointed towards material showing you how to use features like Leads to record and look up details about potential customers that you’ve not yet contacted or done business with. Although by default only the most recent data you’ve worked with is shown in each category, you can pin a number of different views to be shown by default. We particularly like being given a list of all our active leads and contacts.

Everyone who works with a lead can add notes to their entry so your entire business’s knowledge about and dealings with each client can be assembled in a single, easy-to-find location. Once you’re ready to take your business relationship to the next step and send them quotes and proposals – or at least regard them as someone likely to make a purchase – you can convert that lead into an Opportunity at the click of a button. This process already creates a contact and a customer account for their business.

Once you’ve got an existing relationship with a customer, Salesforce becomes home to your complete archive of data on that company and your contacts there, complete with tools to help remind you to check in and manage recurring business and customer support needs.

Everything’s searchable via a bar at the top of the screen and a powerful setup interface allows you to customise the appearance and behaviour of Essentials’ various modules.

Salesforce Essentials review: Apps, extensions and integrations

The Essentials app launcher is, once again, far less bewilderingly cluttered than that of Salesforce’s higher-cost tiers, limiting itself to three core web app interfaces for sales, customer support tickets and your sales and support usage metrics.

There are also shortcuts to useful tools such as a calendar for keeping track of appointments and targets, which you can configure to sync with Office 365 or Google Calendar; your master list of leads; note-taking tools and a social-media style Chatter tool to help communicate with your colleagues and keep track of their activities. Once open, each of these tools is given its own tab within the Salesforce web app interface, making it easy to navigate between them.

As well as lead tracking and conversion, the Sales interface allows you to assign tasks to yourself and your colleagues, see past and future tasks and client communication events on a calendar, upload and share files and generate reports.

We’re great fans of the Service Console, which lets you log, track and respond to customer service and support requests. You can forward email addresses and link Twitter and Facebook accounts so that all messages and mentions they receive are automatically added to your Salesforce Service Cloud queue for attention, making it incredibly easy to manage your customer support and communication channels.

You can email customers from within the console if you’ve linked a G Suite or Office 365 email address, view both the active ticket and your business’s full history with that customer, upload files, add notes and even link your corporate or staff Twitter profile to pull in social media posts by your customer.

There is, of course, a mobile app to help you do business on the move. Thankfully, rather than simply trying to cram the web browser experience into an app, it’s a genuinely optimised piece of design, opening by default on your business’ Chatter feed to keep you abreast of your colleagues and providing easy access to your organisation’s contacts, support cases, leads, opportunities and more via an expanding list at the right of the screen.

A number of third-party integrations are available, although Salesforce Essentials isn’t as well supported as higher subscription tiers – for example, the QuickBooks integration listed on Salesforce’s small business solutions site doesn’t work with it. However, integrations are available for services including DocuSign digital signing for contracts, Slack for office communication, MailChimp for external announcements, and Dropbox and G Suite for storage, among others.

Salesforce Essentials review: Verdict

Salesforce Essentials is powerful, but accessible enough not to be entirely overwhelming for small business users and its Service Console support ticketing system for customer support is outstanding. It’s also a good introduction to the Salesforce ecosystem for those who’d rather not jump straight into the significantly more complex Professional tier.

However, this is also among the most expensive CRM solutions for small enterprises. Those that just need basic sales tracking and relationship management may be better off with a more inexpensive rival, such as Zoho CRM, which is free for businesses with up to three users and costs just £10 per user, per month after that.

AWS would spin out from Amazon if “forced” by US regulators

Bobby Hellard

11 Jun, 2019

AWS CEO Andy Jassy has said that the cloud giant would spin off from parent company Amazon if regulators forced it too.

During a chat with Recode editor-at-large Kara Swisher at the 2019 Code Conference, Jassy responded to a question about a recent Washington Post report on an agreement between two federal agencies that put Amazon under the jurisdiction of the Federal Trade Commission.

The report follows calls for the breakup of large technology companies from Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Democratic presidential candidate who has Facebook and Google in her sights.

Amazon and AWS often come up in discussions about tech breakups and Jassy said that he didn’t see the benefits of it, but the company would follow regulatory action if it seeks to split the world’s largest cloud provider from its parent.

“I think that when you’re able to build multiple customer experience in different business segments that people really respond to, your business is going to get larger,” he said. “I think as your business gets larger, there’s going to be more scrutiny. We expect it and you have to run the business to be comfortable with that, which is the way we’ve tried to do it.

“I would never say never about anything, but I just don’t see it. Typically, when companies spin off subsidiaries, it’s either because they want to get that company off the financial statements or they just can’t afford to fund the business the way it used to be funded. Neither of those is the case so I just don’t see it.”

Jassy said that spinning off the business wouldn’t be in its customer’s interests because of the extra admin and financial infrastructure it would have to add and deal with would be a “distraction” and potentially disrupt the company’s ability to deploy new services. But, he added, that they wouldn’t have much choice if they were forced.

“I can’t speak to what the government is thinking, or will do, but at the end of the day, we operate in the United States and we will follow the United States laws,” he said. “If we were forced to do it, I guess we would have to.”

Having been with Amazon for more than 20 years, Jassy has insight into how both AWS and Amazon interact, along with AWS’ position in the cloud an IT market, which is significant given roughly half of Amazon’s latest reported operating income came from AWS. 

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The silence of the cloud: What is truly driving growth – and what should be?

Opinion Cloud in various iterations has been around now for approaching 20 years (longer if you go back the concept of compute as a public utility introduced by scientist John McCarthy in the 1960s), many remembering seeing iterations such as the ASP (application service provider) as a failed step along that journey until we matured to the SaaS, PaaS, IaaS and varying other ‘as a service’ offerings now in the market.

We have witnessed the varying vendor hype marketing around ‘all in’, ‘everything cloud’ to more recent brandings of ‘fear no cloud’ and even the race to zero – the phrase used to describe the rapid price reduction on IaaS and PaaS offerings from the big name lead technology vendors in cloud, implicating someone will one day give it away for free.

Cloud has driven a behavioural change in business and its people enabling lines of business to navigate around the CIO and tech policies to get things done. Through utilisation of their own budgets and cloud switch it on capabilities many have gone the way of ‘shadow IT’ subscribing to cloud-based systems without IT knowing of the use or budget and changing the landscape of consistent procurement, integration and security across the business.

Some business leaders embrace this departmental agility and work to bring it into an aligned strategy, while others resist fighting this new mantra. We live in a time when compute and its use and responsibility in business is rapidly under change. Witness three types of fundamental business driver – those where:

  • The CIO reports into the CFO and we see the behaviours of a cost reduction business
  • The CIO reports into the CEO typically resulting in an innovation focused business
  • The CIO reports into the CTO resulting in a product focused company

In the innovation business, (the ideal state of successful growth focused firms), gains being sought include an optimisation for the business, an aim for frictionless operational processes and better business insight for smarter decisions; these lead to a focus on revenue value-add and lesser of a focus on cost saving to the business.

There are often 3 barriers for change and innovation in a firm that hinder cloud adoption; culture, tech religion and politics.


Where you find an agile born in the cloud company, the culture leads to fast adoption and leverage of new emerging tech and receptiveness to fast change.  Take a legacy firm, where change has always been slow, leadership is from the old world and you more often find a lethargy to change, projects that take years and often get deferred time and time again and an environment where by the time change happens its already time to start changing again as the market has moved on. These firms are those that face the greatest risk of disruption and we are already seeing a growing number of long existing big brand names across sectors struggling or even going out of business.

Tech religion

Another frequent hampering is the technology religious debate, where the organisation's strategy becomes aligned to a specific vendor brand. When asked what their IT strategy is, in other words, the resulting answer should not be a brand name!

Becoming agile and having a strategy aligned to process and methodology improvement not a vendor brand, allows for the mixing of technology approaches, platforms and brands as and when applicable. In the old tech world this would have aligned to being a Unix, Lan Manager or Windows NT house instead of an agnostic approach, using Unix, NT and perhaps VM for example, mixed and integrated where applicable for the best business outcome.


Finally, politics comes into play where an organisation finds itself going against performance indicators and best logic; doing it through emotions of people due to brand favouring, historic bias or existing skillsets.

Businesses additionally are challenged to bring together legacy in alignment with new innovative technology offerings to not only become agile but allow agility to scale across the organisation.

Oracle reports client engagements of cloud evolution as having four main themes; a need for modern data management, a shift to the enterprise, a need to be agile to scale, and for all the new tech to show a fundamental positive impact to revenue results

Often businesses are too focused on getting ready for the coming storm; defending their base; instead of focusing on the challenge of constant innovation and agility. We live in a time of the ‘art of data’, where data insights and data itself are often the currency of value and what drives the success of a business. What data tells us and enables us to do is more critical than ever in the world we reside in; without this we would not have the services we rely on daily such as Uber and Amazon and the Facebooks would not exist as free services. Data itself and how it is purposed has a high value in today’s economy.

We can expect to see a continual hype of technology types; cloud, big data, AI, IoT and the like; however, the real focus should be on the outcomes, the creation of success and meeting the needs of the future customer be they external or internalised through leveraging of the most relevant tech available as an enabler.

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Google Cloud looks to Looker for greater data analytics – but with the multi-cloud focus

Late last week, Google announced its intention to acquire business intelligence platform Looker for $2.6 billion (£2.05bn) in an all-cash transaction, with Looker joining Google Cloud upon the acquisition’s close.

For Google Cloud – whose bill is chump change compared to what Salesforce is outlaying for Tableau – Looker represents more options for customers looking to migrate data from legacy technology stacks to BigQuery, Google’s enterprise data warehouse. As Google Cloud chief Thomas Kurian put it, it will help offer customers “a more complete analytics solution from ingesting data to visualising results and integrating data and insights into… daily workflows.” Looker, meanwhile, gets a surrogate while shareholders get a pile of cash. Yet the key to making it all work is multi-cloud.

Google’s primary focus at Next in San Francisco back in April, as this publication noted at the time, was around hybrid cloud, multi-cloud – and in particular open source. The highlight of the keynote was a partnership with seven open source database vendors, including Confluent, MongoDB, and Redis Labs. Looker is compatible across all the major cloud databases, from Amazon Redshift, to Azure SQL, Oracle, and Teradata. CEO Frank Bien confirmed that customers should expect continuing support across all cloud databases.

“[The] announcement also continues our strategic commitment to multi-cloud,” wrote Kurian. “While we deepen the integration of Looker into Google Cloud Platform, customers will continue to benefit from Looker’s multi-cloud functionality and its ability to bring together data from SaaS applications like Salesforce, Marketo, and Zendesk, as well as traditional data sources. This empowers companies to create a cohesive layer built on any cloud database, as well as on other public clouds and in on-premise data centres.

“Looker customers can rest assured that the high-quality support experience that Looker has provided will be bolstered by the resources, expertise, and global presence of our cloud team,” Kurian added. “We will also continue to support best of breed analytics and visualisation tools to provide customers the choice to use a variety of technologies with Google Cloud’s analytics offering.”

Google had long been partners with Looker before the acquisition developed. In July, Looker announced an integration with BigQuery whereby data teams could create machine learning models directly in the latter via the former. The companies shared more than 350 customers, including Buzzfeed, Hearst, and Yahoo!

“The data analytics market is growing incredibly fast as companies look to leverage all of their data to make more informed decisions,” said Frank Gens, senior vice president and chief analyst at IDC. “Google Cloud is one of the leaders in the data warehouse market, and the addition of Looker will further strengthen their ability to serve the needs of enterprise customers while also advancing their commitment to multi-cloud.”

https://www.cybersecuritycloudexpo.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/cyber-security-world-series-1.pngInterested in hearing industry leaders discuss subjects like this and sharing their experiences and use-cases? Attend the Cyber Security & Cloud Expo World Series with upcoming events in Silicon Valley, London and Amsterdam to learn more.

Salesforce will buy Tableau Software for $15.3bn to augment its analytics

Roland Moore-Colyer

10 Jun, 2019

Salesforce is set to buy data visualisation company Tableau Software for $15.3 billion (£12 billion), as the cloud-centric CRM company looks to boost its analytics capabilities.

The acquisition will be an all-stock deal for Salesforce and is set to be the company’s largest to date. It also plays into Salesforce’s healthy appetite for purchasing companies that can complement its main cloud services; the company has purchased 60 other firms in just 20 years.

While Salesforce already has its own data analytics service in the form of Salesforce Einstein, once the acquisition is complete Tableau’s analytics software is set to augment and expand the CRM platform’s scope for delivering analytics and data visualisation.

“Tableau helps people see and understand data, and Salesforce helps people engage and understand customers. It’s truly the best of both worlds for our customers–bringing together two critical platforms that every customer needs to understand their world,” said Marc Benioff, chairman and co-CEO of Salesforce. “I’m thrilled to welcome Adam [Selipsky, president and CEO of Tableau ] and his team to Salesforce.”

Keith Block, co-CEO at Salesforce added: “Data is the foundation of every digital transformation, and the addition of Tableau will accelerate our ability to deliver customer success by enabling a truly unified and powerful view across all of a customer’s data.”

Selipsky said that by joining Salesforce, Tableau will be able to “help people everywhere see and understand data”.

How exactly Salesforce will work Tableau into augmenting analytics services remains to be seen, as Tableau will still operate independently of the Salesforce band and remain in its Seattle headquarters with Selipsky at its helm.

But it will mean Salesforce is set to gain access to Tableau’s customer base, numbering some 86,000 organisations worldwide, which include Netflix, Schneider Electric, and Verizon.

The acquisition of Tableau is slated to be completed by the close of Salesforce’s third fiscal quarter of its current financial year, which ends 31 October.