In his Opening Keynote at 21st Cloud Expo, John Considine, General Manager of IBM Cloud Infrastructure, led attendees through the exciting evolution of the cloud. He looked at this major disruption from the perspective of technology, business models, and what this means for enterprises of all sizes. John Considine is General Manager of Cloud Infrastructure Services at IBM. In that role he is responsible for leading IBM’s public cloud infrastructure including strategy, development, and offering management. To date, IBM has launched more than 50 cloud data centers that span the globe. He has been building advanced technology, delivering “as a service” solutions, and managing infrastructure services for the past 20 years.
Archivo mensual: abril 2018
[video] Value Stream Management | @ExpoDX @CollabNet #AI #CloudNative #Serverless
I think DevOps is now a rambunctious teenager – it’s starting to get a mind of its own, wanting to get its own things but it still needs some adult supervision,» explained Thomas Hooker, VP of marketing at CollabNet, in this interview at DevOps Summit at 20th Cloud Expo, held June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY.
Dr. Max Keynote at @CloudEXPO NY | @IBMcloud #AI #CloudNative #Serverless
Michael Maximilien, better known as max or Dr. Max, is a computer scientist with IBM. At IBM Research Triangle Park, he was a principal engineer for the worldwide industry point-of-sale standard: JavaPOS. At IBM Research, some highlights include pioneering research on semantic Web services, mashups, and cloud computing, and platform-as-a-service. He joined the IBM Cloud Labs in 2014 and works closely with Pivotal Inc., to help make the Cloud Found the best PaaS.
Sponsorship Opportunities Open | @CloudEXPO #AI #CloudNative #DevOps #Serverless #FinTech
CloudEXPO | DXWorldEXPO are the world’s most influential, independent events where Cloud Computing was coined and where technology buyers and vendors meet to experience and discuss the big picture of Digital Transformation and all of the strategies, tactics, and tools they need to realize their goals. Sponsors of DXWorldEXPO | CloudEXPO benefit from unmatched branding, profile building and lead generation opportunities.
Dell EMC to Present Nov 12-13 at @CloudEXPO NY | @DellEMC #BigData #AI #IoT #IIoT #ArtificialIntelligence
Bill Schmarzo, author of «Big Data: Understanding How Data Powers Big Business» and «Big Data MBA: Driving Business Strategies with Data Science,» is responsible for setting the strategy and defining the Big Data service offerings and capabilities for EMC Global Services Big Data Practice. As the CTO for the Big Data Practice, he is responsible for working with organizations to help them identify where and how to start their big data journeys. He’s written several white papers, is an avid blogger and is a frequent speaker on the use of Big Data and data science to power the organization’s key business initiatives. He is a University of San Francisco School of Management (SOM) Executive Fellow where he teaches the «Big Data MBA» course. Bill was ranked as #15 Big Data Influencer by Onalytica.
Speaking Opportunities at @DevOpsSummit 2018 | #CloudNative #CloudNative #DevOps #Serverless #APM #Monitoring
DevOpsSummit New York 2018, colocated with CloudEXPO | DXWorldEXPO New York 2018 will be held November 11-13, 2018, in New York City.
Digital Transformation (DX) is a major focus with the introduction of DXWorldEXPO within the program. Successful transformation requires a laser focus on being data-driven and on using all the tools available that enable transformation if they plan to survive over the long term.
Next Gen #DigitalTransformation Shakes Things Up Again! | @ExpoDX #AI #IoT
What if you could closely measure your retail competitor’s in-store sales every day? What if you could be alerted when competitors were increasing or decreasing production at different factories or ordering more materials? Would that be valuable? If it were possible, how would it change your strategies and the way you operated?
Pay-as-You-Go IT Models | @ExpoDX @Dana_Gardner #DigitalTransformation
The next BriefingsDirect IT business model innovation interview explores how pay-as-you-go models have emerged as a new way to align information technology (IT) needs with business imperatives. We’ll now learn how global aerospace and defense integrator Northrop Grumman has sought a revolution in business model transformation in how it acquires and manages IT. Here to help explore how cloud computing-like consumption models can be applied more broadly is Ron Foudray, Vice President, Business Development for Technology Services at Northrop Grumman. The interview is conducted by Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions.
Incremental Test Environment Management | @DevOpsSummit @Plutora #DevOps
The Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) methodology is defined by a series of software development stages. Testing is a critical stage of the SDLC and can determine the quality of software being released into live environments. Therefore, it is important to ensure that test environments are reliable and closely aligned to production.
Why SDS Is a Hot Topic | @CloudEXPO @CompuVerdeSDS #SDS #Serverless #DataCenter
Many factors are contributing to the endlessly increasing volumes of data that organizations must now deal with, including cloud-based infrastructure and virtualization. This data contains a wealth of information that enterprises can use to transform their businesses, but first, a place for it must be found. Software-defined storage (SDS) has been gaining ground because it is highly flexible as well as affordable.