Software Defined Networking: Improved Compliance & Customer Experience

Software Defined Networking Upgrade

Check out the infographic below to learn about how GreenPages recently helped a global billion-dollar banking client provide more flexibility and support business scalability with a software defined networking upgrade. While also meeting strict compliance mandates around micro-segmentation. If you are interested in learning more, check out the full summary here:

Engagement Summary: Software Defined Networking

Learn how we can help you lower cost, reduce risk and increase services efficiency.

If you have any more questions, reach out to us.

Software Defined Networking

By Jake Cryan, Digital Marketing Specialist

[video] Secure Service Container with @IBM | @CloudExpo #Cloud #Security #Containers

«Since we launched LinuxONE we learned a lot from our customers. More than anything what they responded to were some very unique security capabilities that we have,» explained Mark Figley, Director of LinuxONE Offerings at IBM, in this interview at 21st Cloud Expo, held Oct 31 – Nov 2, 2017, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.

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Hacking the Autonomous Vehicle | @ExpoDX @Schmarzo #AI #IoT #M2M #Sensors #DigitalTransformation

I love it when I get feedback from a blog that I’ve written. I appreciate the different perspectives and insights that others bring to a topic of interest. And no blog that I’ve written has drawn more comments than my blog, “Isaac Asimov: The 4th Law of Robotics.”
The section of the blog that fueled the most comments stem from a scene in the movie I, Robot where Detective Spooner (played by Will Smith) is explaining to Doctor Calvin (who is responsible for giving robots human-like behaviors) why he distrusts and hates robots. He is describing an incident where his police car crashed into another car and both cars were thrown into a cold and deep river – certain death for all occupants.

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More SMB Love Needed | @CloudExpo #API #Cloud #BigData #Analytics

In a recent post, titled “10 Surprising Facts About Cloud Computing and What It Really Is”, Zac Johnson highlighted some interesting facts about cloud computing in the SMB marketplace:
Cloud Computing is up to 40 times more cost-effective for an SMB, compared to running its own IT system.
94% of SMBs have experienced security benefits in the cloud that they didn’t have with their on-premises service

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The Glitch Economy | @DevOpsSummit @Plutora #DX #CD #DevOps #DigitalTransformation

In today’s digitized world, a software glitch can create chaos, and software releases can be the greatest cause of downtime (and glitches) across all industries. At the same time, organizations are being forced to choose between agility and risk, causing many of the quality checks put in place to prevent glitches to come under greater pressure.

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The Glitch Economy | @DevOpsSummit @Plutora #DX #CD #DevOps #DigitalTransformation

In today’s digitized world, a software glitch can create chaos, and software releases can be the greatest cause of downtime (and glitches) across all industries. At the same time, organizations are being forced to choose between agility and risk, causing many of the quality checks put in place to prevent glitches to come under greater pressure.

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[slides] Reinventing the Edge Tier | @CloudExpo @Netflix #DX #CloudNative #DevOps

There is a huge demand for responsive, real-time mobile and web experiences, but current architectural patterns do not easily accommodate applications that respond to events in real time. Common solutions using message queues or HTTP long-polling quickly lead to resiliency, scalability and development velocity challenges. In his session at 21st Cloud Expo, Ryland Degnan, a Senior Software Engineer on the Netflix Edge Platform team, will discuss how by leveraging a reactive stream-based protocol, we have been able to solve many of these problems at the communication layer. This makes it possible to create rich application experiences and support use-cases such as mobile-to-mobile communication and large file transfers that would be difficult or cost-prohibitive with traditional networking.

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Competing with Culture in #DigitalTransformation | @ThingsExpo #AI #ML #DX #IoT #SmartCities

The human work of solving problems, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles tends to share a common goal: creating stable, secure and predictable environments. The tendency for most humans is that once we solve a challenge, we want to be done with it. That propensity, however, does not fit with today’s reality of perpetual change.

In the digital business world, organizations have no choice but to operate in an unclear, uncertain and continuously shifting environment that requires a new mindset and approach to formulating business strategies. Digital winners recognize that change is part of the game, and that they need to develop ways to exploit continuous ambiguity. In fact, in our surveys of high-tech professionals, when we asked how long they thought digital transformation initiatives would last, about one-third of the surveyed technology professionals answered “forever” – and as we all know, forever is a long, long time.

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[video] AI and #DigitalTransformation with @Ayehu_Eyeshare | @CloudExpo #ArtificialIntelligence

«Digital transformation – what we knew about it in the past has been redefined. Automation is going to play such a huge role in that because the culture, the technology, and the business operations are being shifted now,» stated Brian Boeggeman, VP of Alliances & Partnerships at Ayehu, in this interview at 21st Cloud Expo, held Oct 31 – Nov 2, 2017, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.

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[video] AI and #DigitalTransformation with @Ayehu_Eyeshare | @CloudExpo #ArtificialIntelligence

«Digital transformation – what we knew about it in the past has been redefined. Automation is going to play such a huge role in that because the culture, the technology, and the business operations are being shifted now,» stated Brian Boeggeman, VP of Alliances & Partnerships at Ayehu, in this interview at 21st Cloud Expo, held Oct 31 – Nov 2, 2017, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.

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