2015 Cloud Security Predictions By @Vormetric | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

In 2014, we saw AWS customers (especially in the small and mid-size segments) start to lay claim that they couldn’t make their own networks as secure as using Amazon’s EC2/S3 infrastructure services. This trend will accelerate in 2015. Small and medium businesses usage of cloud applications will increase because they are unable to keep pace with the rate of change of attacks and threats, as well as resulting legal and compliance requirements. Why? Mainly due to the cost and level of effort it would require to adequately protect against the myriad of data breach possibilities. They want to be experts in their businesses, not in IT Security, and their organizations don’t have the size and scale to justify in-house resources to do it themselves. As a result, they will rely partially on their service providers like Amazon Web Services. This doesn’t mean that these organizations are handing over all responsibility to Amazon. Amazon clearly states that security is a joint responsibility and spells out specific areas they will commit to versus end user responsibilities.

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