The advancement of technology has led to widespread Cloud data and SaaS application usage throughout enterprises. And CIOs are unprepared for the (mostly unwelcome) implications – largely unaware of the «SaaS Sprawl» in their organizations.
These Cloud applications are available for just about every role in a company – from human resources to marketing, there’s an app for that. And odds are, someone in your organization is using it – most likely without IT knowing.
As app (primarily SaaS and Cloud) use within organizations continues to spread and accelerate, IT professionals are largely unaware of the massive scale of Cloud application utilization. However, IT continues to be held responsible for many of the implications resulting from this widespread proliferation.
Archivo mensual: septiembre 2014
@DevOpsSummit | It is Not All About Changing Your World (#DevOps)
A funny thing has happened in the technology world, the hype cycle has become far more than a cycle that you watch and smile at. It has become a sales frenzy, while people try to make a name and/or sell you stuff before the idea or product category has even solidified. You can see it all around you, and as has been going on for years, the trend seems to be worsening. I call it a funny thing because the truly revolutionary technologies – like server virtualization – really didn’t need a full-on hype cycle at all. Virtualization just kept growing year after year. People would declare “the year of virtualization!” and the year would pass, with more servers virtualized but no mass shift from one paradigm to the other.
@DevOpsSummit | What Is Syslog? (#DevOps)
This post is the first in a multi-part series of posts on the many options for collecting and forwarding log data from different platforms and the pros and cons of each. In this first post we will focus on Syslog, and will provide background on the protocol.
Syslog has been around for a number of decades and provides a protocol used for transporting event messages between computer systems and software applications. The protocol utilizes a layered architecture, which allows the use of any number of transport protocols for transmission of syslog messages. It also provides a message format that allows vendor-specific extensions to be provided in a structured way. Syslog is now standardized by the IETF in RFC 5424 (since 2009), but has been around since the 80’s and for many years served as the de facto standard for logging without any authoritative published specification.
@Virtustream to Present ‘Mission-Critical Apps in the #Cloud’ @CloudExpo
If cloud computing benefits are so clear, why have so few enterprises migrated their mission-critical apps? The answer is often inertia and FUD. No one ever got fired for not moving to the cloud – not yet.
In his session at 15th Cloud Expo, Michael Hoch, SVP, Cloud Advisory Service at Virtustream, will discuss the six key steps to justify and execute your MCA cloud migration.
@VASCODataNews on Transparent #Cloud Security at @CloudExpo New York
The promise of easy, rapid, and low-cost deployment is luring increasing numbers to the cloud. Is security the only remaining obstacle to total domination by the cloud? In his session at 14th Cloud Expo, John Gunn, VP of Corporate Communications for VASCO Data Security, will examine how the evolving threat landscape will present new security challenges for the cloud. You will also learn how to use transparent authentication to find the right balance between keeping the promise of user convenience while still maintaining essential security practices.
@CloudExpo White Paper: VM Backup & Recovery with @Symantec
This Lab Validation report from Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) provides you with best practices to create an environment that offers you simple unified data protection across physical and virtual landscapes, maximum protection and data availability, and reduced storage needs and operational costs. Find out how Symantec Backup Exec 2014 measures up against best practices in virtual data protection.
@CloudExpo | Five Trends That Will Shape the Future of #Cloud Hosting
With $13 billion expected to be spent by American businesses alone in 2014, the cloud should no longer be considered an alternative IT model. The demand for hardware to run traditional infrastructures is in a nosedive. IBM is spending $1 billion this year, matching the amount it spent in 2013, on “workforce rebalancing” (the company’s lingo for widespread layoffs). Cisco is experiencing a similarly negative impact, with a 4% decline in revenue for its equipment expected this year.
Despite those pieces of bad news for major technology brands, the cloud ultimately represents not closure, but change. It’s been a gradual transition from the established to the innovative, in large part due to concerns over security. Cloud security experts scored a major victory in 2011 when Gen. Keith Alexander announced that the Pentagon would be deploying the new technological approach.
@CloudExpo 2015 ‘Call For Papers’ Now Open (#Cloud & #BigData)
The 16th International Cloud Expo announces that its Call for Papers is now open. 16th International Cloud Expo, to be held June 9–11, 2015, at the Javits Center in New York City brings together Cloud Computing, APM, APIs, Security, Big Data, Internet of Things, DevOps and WebRTC to one location.
With cloud computing driving a higher percentage of enterprise IT budgets every year, it becomes increasingly important to plant your flag in this fast-expanding business opportunity. Submit your speaking proposal today!
@CloudExpo | Does Performance in the #Cloud Matter?
One of the most appealing benefits of cloud deployment is the ease of use and the flexibility of adding or removing compute capacity. You can dynamically allocate resources based on the changing workloads, which give you the flexibility in managing your compute cost.
AWS Auto Scaling enables you to closely follow the demand curve for your applications, reducing the need to provision Amazon EC2 capacity in advance. For example, if your CPU Utilization goes over 70% you can add additional EC2 instances. Similarly, if your CPU Utilization goes down above a threshold, you can remove EC2 instances.
@StackIQ To Exhibit At @CloudExpo Silicon Valley
StackIQ offers a comprehensive software suite that automates the deployment, provisioning, and management of Big Infrastructure. With StackIQ’s software, you can spin up fully configured big data clusters, quickly and consistently — from bare-metal up to the applications layer — and manage them efficiently. Our software’s modular architecture allows customers to integrate nearly any application with the StackIQ software stack.