Refusing to accept the 30 percent unemployment rate for California veterans between the ages of 18 and 24, Veterans 360 (V360) offers recently-separated combat veterans the opportunity for a solid and productive future. Using a four-pronged approach which encompasses engagement, education, employment, and healing, V360 prepares and equips veterans with the interpersonal and professional skills they will need for a successful transition back into civilian life.
Archivo mensual: febrero 2014
Shots Across the Data Lake
In the Old West, farmers and ranchers fought range wars over water access. Now, Big Data is the new Water and there is growing tension between Business Intelligence farmers and Data Science ranchers over how the new data lake should be managed and used. SoMoClo (social, mobile, cloud) technologies and the torrent of Big Data they bring create new analytic opportunities, but taking advantage of them will requires new tools and may require new rules.
My Journey to DevOps Enlightenment
I am honored that the Cloud Expo conference organizers have asked me to be the Tech Chair for DevOps Summit 2014. The positive response from so many people I respect has been wonderful. Thank you to all who sent good wishes – it means a lot to me to have your support.
Part of what makes this an exciting opportunity for me is that I expect my past experience and attitude will reflect the experience and attitudes of many DevOps Summit 2014 attendees.
For example, I was once a DevOps ‘noob’ (newb? n00b?) and expect many attendees will be similarly naïve. In the four years since my first skeptical DevOps post (when I was still an independent analyst, and DevOps didn’t even have a Wikipedia entry), reactions from ‘the movement’ have ranged from petty insults to good-humored ribbing and frequently educational commentary. However, as I said in the press release, «I have seen both firsthand and in independent research the fantastic results DevOps delivers.» At DevOps Summit 2014, I hope to share with other DevOps noobs and skeptics some of the insights that turned me into a fan.
Internet Of @ThingsExpo 2014 East To Take Place June 10-12 at New York Javits Center
SYS-CON Events announced today that «Internet Of @Things Expo» 2014 East will take place June 10-12, 2014, at the Javits Center in New York City, New York.
@ThingsExpo is focused on the development of the rapidly emerging «Internet of Things» (IoT) market. @ThingsExpo will provide valuable information on the common issues and requirements to technology professionals who are creating a platform for the Internet of Things. @ThingsExpo will feature three full days of technical sessions from a rock star conference faculty and the leading Internet of Things industry players. @ThingsExpo will feature three full days of technical sessions from a rock star conference faculty and the leading Internet of Things industry players. Things Expo is co-located with 14th international Cloud Expo®, and the second international «WebRTC Summit» critical M2M component of IoT.
Help plant your flag in the fast-expanding business opportunity that is Internet of Things: submit your speaking proposal today!
Research claims UK businesses struggling to cope with cloud boom
A new research report from cloud identity management provider Okta has revealed that nearly four in five (79%) UK IT decision makers are looking to increase the amount of cloud applications in their company through the coming year.
Yet the report, entitled ‘Identity Management in a Cloud and Mobile World’, also found that data security remains a concern of cloud adoption for seven in 10 organisations.
Not altogether surprisingly, the report from an identity and access management (IAM) firm focuses on how companies are struggling with security and identity in the cloud. Yet there are interesting facts to be pulled out from interviews with more than 200 IT decision makers.
Security was found to be only the second most important driver of IT strategy, polling only 60% of the vote compared to cost reduction (62%). 86% of respondents also believed the adoption of public cloud apps was important to their …
How Safe Is the Cloud?
How can your business benefit from using the cloud? We hear the term all the time in the tech world, but it’s never really clearly defined. Those of us who are using social media or saving data with online sources are already using it. Perhaps you just didn’t know it. Amazon is one of the largest cloud service centers. It houses information on behalf of Netflix, Dropbox and Autodesk. Other remote servers are Google, Microsoft and Rackspace.
AppZero WS03 EOS Survey Reveals Vulnerability
AppZero, the fastest way to move enterprise applications, today announced the results of its first «State of Readiness for Windows Server 2003 End of Support (EOS)» survey. The 2013 results of more than 200 Fortune 1,000 companies show that 40% of respondents wish to move to the cloud as part of their EOS remediation efforts.
The full results of the survey are available here and indicate that with eighteen months until support ends, the majority of respondents still have significant numbers of machines running WS2003. Security compliance and vulnerability management are a major concern and many organizations are not aware of or prepared to deal with the impending challenge.
The Impact of Micro-Architectures and APIs on Data Center Network Design
Application development trends significantly impact the design of data center networks. Today there are two trends driving a variety of transformation in the network: API dominance and micro-architectures. Combined with a tendency for network operations to protect its critical infrastructure from potentially disruptive change, these trends are driving toward an emerging «app network» tier in the data center that is software-defined.
This «app network» can be realized in one of two ways: through the deployment of application proxies, or via an application service fabric. The choice comes down to how integrated devops and network teams really are, and whether or not you have a service fabric available. If you do, it’s a good solution as it affords the same flexibility as application proxies while removing platform-level management from devops shoulders. Only services need be configured, managed and deployed. An application proxy, too, is a good option and gives devops and developers complete control over the platform and the network-hosted domain services.
Infographic: Demystifying the Cloud
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Veeam Announces Record 2013 Results
Veeam® Software on Tuesday announced record revenue results for the fourth quarter and full year of 2013. This marks Veeam’s 24th consecutive quarter in which quarterly bookings revenue has grown by more than 50 percent over the same period during the previous year.
In 2013, annual bookings revenue grew 58 percent over 2012, while new license bookings revenue increased 53 percent over the same period. Total bookings revenue grew 55 percent in Q4 of 2013 compared to the same period in 2012; new license bookings revenue increased 52 percent over that same period.