In-memory stepping up to big and fast data analytic crunch

Madan Sheina, Lead Analyst, Software – Information Management

Interest in in-memory computing platforms is rising. Until now, the primary driver has been the “need for speed,” helping companies to process relatively modest data sets more quickly.

Both traditional and newer in-memory vendors are looking to scale-up these capabilities with innovative platforms that promise to meet the increasing demand for more accelerated, operationally driven analytics against Big Data residing in Hadoop environments.

Their efforts promise to overcome the limitations of traditional analytic architectures and, if successful, to bolster Hadoop’s credentials as a mainstream option for operational enterprise computing needs.

Two magnitudes of in-memory play into Hadoop

Two “magnitudes” of in-memory stand out – processing speed and data scale. In-memory has more or less proved itself as a viable platform for processing data more quickly – at speeds that traditional technologies simply cannot handle. For companies that require realtime analytics, in-memory computing is certainly …

Zynstra launches O365Connect, aims to take on hybrid SMB market

UK-based hybrid cloud startup Zynstra has announced the launch of O365Connect, aimed at helping SMBs with a managed IT solution which brings the best of both on-premise and cloud worlds.

The product was developed in association with Microsoft – the name gives that one away – and HP, who is an OEM partner of Zynstra, and is aimed at businesses between five and 250 employees.

Zynstra O365Connect handles various tasks, from networking to file management, to Office 365, as well as maintaining a full backup of cloud-managed email and file data, plus providing a disaster recovery option in Windows Azure.

The partnership with HP doesn’t end there either, with all of Zynstra’s cloudy server appliances built on HP ProLiant servers, alongside Zynstra’s software to create the mix for IT workloads to be run in a virtualised Windows or Linux environment.

Nick East, Zynstra CEO, explained to CloudTech that many …

Value in local government digital services should be driven by G-Cloud, PSN and suppliers

When head of Rotherham Council ICT Richard Copley recently called for a Local Government Digital Service, I immediately thought “that’s an ambitious idea and welcome thinking”.

We should always be open to bold new approaches that challenge the status quo and are driven by a genuine desire to deliver a better and more cost effective service for the public. After all, the central Government Digital Service (GDS) was such an idea and look how award-winningly successful that has been.

However, I’m also mindful of Mike Bracken’s comment at a 2013 SOCITM conference that «it was the devil’s own job to get 24 departments to agree to adopt». As Richard Copley himself admits, it would be a serious challenge to scale that task up to 326 councils/local authorities and their digital departments spread right across the country.

So could there be a more pragmatic …

Investing in Cloud: Getting the Most Bang for Your IT Buck

Worldwide IT spending is projected to rise US$3.8 trillion in 2014 according to recent Gartner research, a 3.1 percent increase from spending in 2013, which was $3.7 trillion. While not a huge jump in dollars, it does indicate that companies have been conserving cash over the past few years and are ready and willing to invest – albeit conservatively – with the recovery in place.
The promise of the Cloud has been validated and tested now over several years and organizations are increasing budgets and plans accordingly, more liberal spending is being seen by Cloud service providers who are witnessing an uptick in demand from businesses that are planning to address outdated infrastructure in 2014. Even organizations that are wary of significant cash outlays are recognizing the long-term IT savings it represents and are willing to take the steps to integrate solutions that eliminate CAPEX, and future-proof their infrastructure while providing predictable cash flow.

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A Modular Approach to Cloud Computing with Coraid

Coraid’s modular, scale-out approach has helped service providers as well as enterprises have a better methodology to deploy storage for cloud architectures. The company’s Ethernet storage technology has a well-documented track record in large-scale cloud architectures, providing a lower TCO.
Coraid has spent the last year focused on expanding the experience level of its leadership team to include Dave Kresse as CEO, Stewart Grierson as CFO, Keith Carpenter as vice president of worldwide sales, and Gail Boddy as vice president of human resources. The company also secured access to $29.3 million in additional financing in December of 2013.

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The Missing Pieces of Agile Architecture

Instead of abstracting individual, static Service interfaces, Business Services must abstract sets of such interfaces via content-based routing and transformation operations on an intermediary like an ESB. Implement those abstraction operations as a matter of policy, and you shift control of the behavior of your SOA deployment to the metadata-driven policy layer. Get all this right and you have enormous control and flexibility over your legacy environment. The problem is, of course, that it’s extraordinarily difficult to get all these moving parts right.

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Adopting a Comprehensive Risk Management Program

Rob Wigley is Director, Cybersecurity Consulting Services at HP Enterprise Services, U.S. Public Sector. He has more than 30 years of information technology experience supporting manufacturing, high tech, healthcare, and public sector market segments. For the last 10 years, he has focused on developing and delivering cybersecurity consulting solutions for public sector clients. Thank you for joining us today, Rob. Can you please tell us a little about your background and your role within HP.
Rob Wigley: I have more than 30 years of information technology experience supporting manufacturing, high tech, healthcare, and public sector market segments. For the last 10 years, as regulatory requirements for information security have increased in association with mounting threats facing government and businesses today, I have focused on developing and delivering cybersecurity consulting solutions for public sector clients. This market has unique IT security requirements and is facing a significant increase of cyber threats. HP Cybersecurity Consulting Services are soundly structured to help our clients manage risks to their environment.

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KAAZING Wins IDG’s Internet of Things Award

The KAAZING Gateway award reads, “Built by the creators of HTML5 WebSocket, the Kaazing WebSocket Gateway is the go-to solution for managing real-time communications over the Internet. It squeezes every bit of oomph out of the transport layer to ensure scalability to millions of concurrent users with minimal latency. Messaging protocols like JMS and XMPP are supported with libraries for Android, iOS, JavaScript, Flash, .Net, and Java. Version 4.0 introduced wizards that do the heavy lifting for developers, who can tap features for binary transport and delta messaging with minimal custom coding. If you’re building any type of real-time Web application or scaling up client support for an existing app, you should be looking at Kaazing to reduce resource utilization and improve performance.”

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What Does Next-Generation BPO Look Like?

Somewhere along the line in between the 1990s and the so-called post-2000 ‘naughties’ a change occurred. This change was subtle but important if you took an interest in enterprise-level management theories, methodologies and delivery mechanisms.
Outsourcing, as we once knew it, became Business Process Outsourcing. With an extended name and an accompanying acronym to boot, BPO arrived.
Actually that’s not strictly what happened; in between outsourcing and BPO we saw outsourcing become offshore outsourcing. Functions from finance and billing to admin and support started to migrate offshore, along with other non-core operations that could be ‘manageably compartmentalized,’ so-to-speak.

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IDC: The Internet of Things Is Poised to Change Everything

The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a new construct in the information and communications technology (ICT) world that is occupying the minds of IT vendors, service providers, and systems integrators as it represents huge potential for new streams of revenue and new customers. International Data Corporation (IDC) has looked at the components, processes, and supporting IT and connectivity for the Internet of Things and expects IoT technology and services spending to generate global revenues of $4.8 trillion in 2012 and $8.9 trillion by 2020, growing at a compound annual rate (CAGR) of 7.9%.

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