Rise of the Thing – Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is giving rise to a whole new set of protocols for API access. Until recently, it was taken for granted that JSON is all-conquering and predominant. In my view, the popularly of JSON for APIs is as much to do with the widespread usage of dynamic languages on the client side (JavaScript in particular, of course) as it is to do with the smaller size of JSON relative to XML.

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Mobile Expert Interviews: Vaidy Iyer on Cloud Mobility and PaaS

I had the privilege of interviewing mobility expert Vaidy Iyer today. He is the founder and CEO of AppsFreedom, a company focused on providing enterprise mobility solutions in the form of Multi-Channel, Multi-Device Platform as a Service solutions to the SAP community. I asked if they could compete with SAP’s mobile solutions – you should hear his answer! Enjoy!

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SYS-CON.tv Interview: The Purposed Cloud

«We had been a managed service provider but with all the deafening noise around the cloud we have found that we do something that people would love – the purposed cloud,» explained Chetan Patwardhan, CEO of Stratogent, in this SYS-CON.tv interview at the 13th International Cloud Expo®, held Nov 4–7, 2013, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.
Cloud Expo® 2014 New York, June 10-12, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY, will feature technical sessions from a rock star conference faculty and the leading Cloud industry players in the world.

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Why cloud services will kill big bad whole-of-government IT projects

Dr Steve Hodgkinson, Research Director, Public Sector Technology

Momentum for cloud services adoption in government grew solidly in 2013 and looks certain to accelerate in 2014. We believe that growth in cloud services adoption by agencies will drive a change in the core logic of whole-of-government IT strategy. Cloud services offer a less risky win-win-win path towards IT modernization and intra-agency collaboration. Big bad experimental whole-of-government IT projects are dead. Long live the new logic of cloud services: find solutions that work well in individual agencies and then adopt them more broadly across multiple agencies. Simple.

Stop the horror story of whole-of-government IT strategy experiments

IT strategy in government too often resembles a horror story because of a passion for big projects which become mad experiments that go bad. Under pressure to cut costs, whole-of-government CIOs pursued adventurous and experimental shared services and common application and infrastructure strategies. While the …

Rackspace Announces DevOps Automation Service

The DevOps Automation Service will enable developers and IT departments to accelerate time to market for their products and features by allowing them to deploy, scale and test new configurations in hours rather than days. In addition, the service will help improve the quality of software deployments and to create more frequent software releases, as automating processes will allow organizations to provision servers consistently and free of mistakes typically caused by manual installation and configuration.

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Cloud IDE Roundup

The recent announcement of the open-sourcing of the Codebox IDE is a good excuse to take a break and examine some current cloud-based IDEs.
If you’re new to the space, a cloud IDE lets developers code and manage their projects from a browser. This lets you keep all of your code in the cloud, and means you don’t need to have a powerful laptop to do real programming work. Using a cloud IDE lets you more easily share development environments with your team, which lets new team members become productive faster. Some cloud IDEs also allow you to connect to backend services for build/analysis/deployment, further simplifying the workflow for individual developers.
Most cloud-based IDEs have a similar baseline set of functionality: file/folder management, tabbed editors, access to remote files via (S)FTP/Dropbox/etc. Most claim compatibility with browsers on lightweight devices like tablets, smartphones, and Chrome laptops.

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Infinitely Virtual Lifts Veil on TouchCloud

The rap on cloud computing has been that it’s out there, vague and amorphous, and not really anything you can touch.

Think again. Leading cloud server provider Infinitely Virtual (www.infinitelyvirtual.com) today introduced TouchCloudTM — and with it, virtually any cloud-based app can be touched from just about anywhere. TouchCloud combines Windows 2012 Server and Windows 8 or 8.1 touch-screen capabilities, automatically touch-enabling all Windows 8/8.1 applications in the cloud.
«Users in small and midsize businesses have wanted to be able to run their Windows apps in the cloud, and share them with coworkers –and now they can,» said Adam Stern, Infinitely Virtual founder and CEO. «TouchCloud provides incredible mobility. Any tablet or mobile app in the world can take advantage of it. Now, it’s easy to walk around and touch your windows apps.»

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Call for Papers for Cloud Expo 2014 New York Opens

Despite the economy, cloud computing is doing well. Gartner estimates the cloud market will double by 2016 to $206 billion. The time for dabbling in the cloud is over!
The 14th International Cloud Expo, co-located with 5th International Big Data Expo and 3rd International SDN Expo, 2nd DevOps Summit, and 2nd WebRTC Fundamentals Summit to be held June 10-12, 2014, at the Javits Center in New York City, N.Y. announces that its Call for Papers is now open.
Help plant your flag in the fast-expanding business opportunity that is The Cloud, Big Data, SDN, DevOps and WebRTC: submit your speaking proposal today!

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SYS-CON.tv Interview: Big Data and Scalability

«Everybody is sharding because the data is getting bigger and bigger so there are just more ways to do it. The thing about sharding is you have to take Big Data and spread it across a lot of servers – that’s the most important thing,» explained Cory Isaacson, CEO/CTO of CodeFutures Corporation, maker of dbShards, in this SYS-CON.tv interview at the 13th International Cloud Expo®, held Nov 4–7, 2013, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.
Cloud Expo® 2014 New York, June 10-12, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY, will feature technical sessions from a rock star conference faculty and the leading Cloud industry players in the world.

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2014 Cloud Services Trends

The major strides achieved in IT in 2013 are possibly a hint of what to expect in 2014. The leading players are expected to introduce new and advanced cloud-based solutions, and at the same time keep testing, improving the efficiency of the existing services. Here are some of our top predictions for cloud services in 2014:
The raging debate over which cloud service – private vs. public – is superior and/or suitable for enterprise IT architecture might finally be settled. The rapid growth in hybrid cloud solutions, which are essentially a combination of the two main architectures, is expected to provide an answer for businesses that have hitherto been reluctant to adopt cloud computing. On the one hand, hybrid cloud services offer the same cost-effective, scalable and powerful benefits as public cloud services. On the other, the hybrid architecture offers the high level of security similar to that of private clouds. As such, we foresee a significant growth in the use of hybrid clouds in enterprise IT since they enable businesses to implement a wide range of customizable solutions without sacrificing the security of their data and/or networks.

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