When Melrose transitioned from nearly 100 percent server virtualization to a novel cloud capability built on VMware vCloud Hybrid Service, they discovered that they could not only host their own applications, but also those of nearby communities for an ongoing fee.
Archivo mensual: agosto 2013
Cleversafe Raises $55M for Its Limitless Data Storage at Petabyte Scale
“Our proven technology is displacing legacy boxes that were designed for yesterday’s storage needs across a wide range of industries. What they have in common is breakneck growth of storage needs that were poorly addressed by old-fashioned products from EMC and others,» said John Morris, president and CEO of Cleversafe, as announced that the company has secured $55 million in funding to support its growth momentum, achieved by its breakthrough technology’s cost-saving solution for massive-scale, high-growth storage needs
Cleversafe Raises $55M for Its Limitless Data Storage at Petabyte Scale
“Our proven technology is displacing legacy boxes that were designed for yesterday’s storage needs across a wide range of industries. What they have in common is breakneck growth of storage needs that were poorly addressed by old-fashioned products from EMC and others,» said John Morris, president and CEO of Cleversafe, as announced that the company has secured $55 million in funding to support its growth momentum, achieved by its breakthrough technology’s cost-saving solution for massive-scale, high-growth storage needs
Software Defined Networking Series — Part 2: What Are the Business Drivers?
By Nick Phelps, Consulting Architect, LogicsOne
In Part one of this series on Software Defined Networking, I gave a high level overview of what all the buzz is about. Here’s part two…in this video I expand on the capabilities of SDN by delving into the business drivers behind the concept. Leave any questions or thoughts in the comments section below.
Free webinar on 8/22: Horizon Suite – How to Securely Enable BYOD with VMware’s Next Gen EUC Platform.
With a growing number of consumer devices proliferating the workplace, lines of business turning to cloud-based services, and people demanding more mobility in order to be productive, IT administrators are faced with a new generation of challenges for securely managing corporate data across a broad array of computing platforms.
Drop the box: Is synchronisation the solution?
By Russell Crawford, Regional Director UK&I, Netherlands, Africa, Cortado AG
The use of cloud services is rising continuously for both private and public companies. In fact, analysts predict a growth in the enterprise cloud market from $18.3 billion in 2012 to $31.9 billion in 2017.
This rise of cloud services is due to the increase in the use of smartphones and tablets. These devices usually only have a limited storage capacity, but are often used as PC replacements when on the go, both privately and professionally, which is why mobile users like to store their data in the cloud and access it conveniently via the internet. With the cloud, all relevant documents can be accessed in just a few clicks, and can be shared quickly with friends, relatives or colleagues.
But many companies are still undecided about the cloud. The biggest obstacle is the significant concern over …
Moving to Hybrid Cloud: Top Five Considerations
Businesses are embracing public cloud because it promises increased agility and scalability. But it can also introduce complexity, interoperability, and security concerns. Hybrid cloud is emerging as a way to mitigate those concerns by providing the right combination of internal controls with the ability to securely scale to meet business demand for IT resources. As you contemplate moving various pre-production and production workloads – and your mission-critical and sensitive data – to the cloud, be sure to develop a strategic approach based on your business and IT objectives.
When the Security Bill Comes Due
Restaurants, food service orgs feel the sting of security breaches via POS integration..ask Raleys, Schnucks, Subway, Zaxbys aned many others. Affordable real time monitoring must become a key priority.
I love sushi. I love big fat burritos. I love tikka masala. So now that my taste buds are salivating, what do my epicurean preferences have to do with cloud security? They all come from restaurants I frequent, and nine time out of 10 I pay for these delights with my credit card. I never thought twice about it, until I read Tracy Kitten’s article for BankInfoSecurity here: It details how many restaurants are falling victim to attacks that put their customer’s credit card information at risk.
VMware Hybrid Cloud: Accelerate Your Time to Value
Hybrid cloud computing can maximize the value and balance the use of internal assets and external services (e.g., deploying services internally that could also be deployed to public cloud services when the internal capacity is available) while enabling better scalability. Businesses are looking for a more flexible IT framework that can adapt to today’s rapidly changing and global environment. Business teams striving to move quickly into new markets – and launch new products and services – are demanding more from IT organizations that have traditionally focused on avoiding downtime, ensuring security and compliance, and holding down costs. The need for faster, more cost-effective access to IT resources has created a healthy tension between business teams and IT, driving both to look for new and better solutions.
Step-by-Step: Protect Private Clouds with Orchestrated Fail Over
WOW! Windows Azure Hyper-V Recovery Manager (HRM) extends site-to-site protection to entire Private Clouds by leveraging the Hyper-V Replica asynchronous VM replication capabilities in Windows Server 2012/2012 R2 and our FREE Hyper-V Server 2012 enterprise-grade bare-metal hypervisors. In this article, I’ll provide an introduction to Hyper-V Recovery Manager and a Guided Hands-On Lab at the end of this article that allows you to step through the process of protecting your Private Clouds with a Recovery Plan.
The Difference Between Identity Management & Access Management
One of the biggest misconceptions in cloud security is the perception that identity management (IDaaS) and access management (SSO) are the same thing.
They’re not.
And it took a viewing of the famous Star Trek episode called Mirror Mirror for me to best illustrate and articulate the difference between the creation and management of a user account and credentialed rights and the funneled applications that entity is allowed to see. For those unfamiliar with the episode, it’s the one where Kirk is transported into an alternate universe and meets evil Spock (the one with the beard)…but more about that soon.
Simply, IDaaS is the administrative function that creates and maintains a user’s network identity. It segments their privileges by roles and rules. This is called provisioning. Your starship just hired a new lieutenant to communicate with new life and new civilizations as you boldly go places—in this world we call it inside sales, but you get the idea. In the organizational hierarchy, this officer needs access to certain functions and applications-but not others. So when her “enterprise” identity is created, she is assigned certain access rights. She needs to see the languages database, but not the weapons console.