What is Adobe Experience Cloud?

On the heels of a phenomenal earnings quarter, Adobe has released another product called Adobe Experience Cloud that is designed to give companies everything they need to provide excellent customer service every single time.

With this product, Adobe has unified all its digital businesses into a single cloud platform. In a way, such a unified product makes sense for Adobe because it’s been having its services all over the cloud.  Now, it’s Creative, Document, Marketing, Analytics and Advertising are combined into Adobe Experience Cloud, so companies can access all that they want from a single location.

To give you a perspective on what this includes:

  • Adobe Marketing Cloud – It comes with a set of solutions that empower marketers to create their unique marketing campaigns, create customer experiences that help them to stay on top of competition, and connect and engage with customers.
  • Adobe Advertising Cloud – This is the first dedicated cloud that allows users to manage all their advertising campaigns across different media in one place.
  • Adobe Analytics Cloud – This is the business intelligence engine that provides deep insights into businesses.
  • Adobe Creative Cloud – This helps to streamline and enhance creative workflows.
  • Adobe Document Cloud – This cloud allows users to sign and send any document from any device.

For individuals though, they can still have access only to Creative and Document because the others simply make no sense to them.

According to different strategists, this move by Adobe is great for many reasons. Firstly, it gives a unified system for Adobe to make the most of the acquisitions it’s been doing over the last two years. More importantly, it can simply plug future acquisitions into its own ecosystem, so they can start making revenue for the company right away.

Secondly, Adobe Experience Cloud will refactor all the existing applications, so they can leverage common data, content, analytics and processes. Such a move is sure to make applications and the entire system more integrated and efficient. From a customer’s point of view, it is a complete system where data can be shared and collaborated across different services.

Thirdly, companies like AWS and Microsoft are creating their own ecosystem to entice customers to use their apps. Adobe is unique because it offers a more creative set of tools that are hugely popular, and this is one of the biggest selling points of the company. With a unified cloud system, it can leverage on this strength and increase its customer base.

Lastly, it opens up new possibilities for Adobe as well as others that want to develop apps based on Adobe’s platform. For example, it’s artificial intelligence product called Sensei can be used to build models and distribute data generated by these models to other services within the platform. Such an opportunity for sharing and collaboration can be a great starting point for companies that want to develop apps based on it.

In all, Adobe Experience Cloud can truly enhance the experience of using a cloud-based product for customers, and for Adobe, this can signal the next big step in its transition to a complete cloud-based provider.

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