Cloud Computing: The New Enterprise Reference Architecture

Over the last couple of years much has changed in the way enterprises map their enterprise IT architecture and realize their business capabilities. Till 2010 or so, enterprise architecture have been purely built on:
On Premise Packaged Applications (SAP, Oracle, Siebel)
On Premise Custom Applications Frameworks (.NET, Java EE)
Structured Data (Oracle, SQL Server, DB2)
Traditional Access methodologies (Web, Client/Server, CITRIX, other reporting tools)
However, now the enterprises have to rethink their reference architecture to fit all the new avenues opened due to the advances in these areas.
The following diagram outlines the New Enterprise Reference Architecture. The following text provides a detailed explanation of the role of each layer and product mapping to current vendors. The product mapping may not have covered all the products, please write to me if any of the significant products are missed out.

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