Update to Parallels Toolbox for Mac just released!

We have just released an update to Parallels® Toolbox for Mac®, with four additional tools and several new features requested by users. New Tools The four new tools are shown in Figure 1. They are: Download Audio – Similar to the Download Video tool but targeted toward downloading audio from the Internet, including multiple track […]

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[session] @Zerto on @IBMcloud | @CloudExpo #Azure #VMware #AI #DRaaS

Cloud-based disaster recovery is critical to any production environment and is a high priority for many enterprise organizations today. Nearly 40% of organizations have had to execute their BCDR plan due to a service disruption in the past two years. Zerto on IBM Cloud offer VMware and Microsoft customers simple, automated recovery of on-premise VMware and Microsoft workloads to IBM Cloud data centers.

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Ocean9 to Exhibit at @CloudExpo New York | @Ocean9Inc #SAP #AWS #DRaaS

SYS-CON Events announced today that Ocean9will exhibit at SYS-CON’s 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. Ocean9 provides cloud services for Backup, Disaster Recovery (DRaaS) and instant Innovation, and redefines enterprise infrastructure with its cloud native subscription offerings for mission critical SAP workloads.

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Update to Parallels Toolbox for Mac just released!

We have just released an update to Parallels® Toolbox for Mac®, with four additional tools and several new features requested by users. New Tools The four new tools are shown in Figure 1. They are: Download Audio – Similar to the Download Video tool but targeted toward downloading audio from the Internet, including multiple track […]

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Announcing @LinuxAcademyCOM to Exhibit at @CloudExpo | #SDN #AI #Linux

SYS-CON Events announced today that Linux Academy, the foremost online Linux and cloud training platform and community, will exhibit at SYS-CON’s 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. Linux Academy was founded on the belief that providing high-quality, in-depth training should be available at an affordable price. Industry leaders in quality training, provided services, and student certification passes, its goal is to change lives by teaching Linux and cloud technology to the tens of thousands of students that learn at the Linux Academy.

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Outscale to Exhibit at @CloudExpo NY | @OutscaleInc #DevOps #DX #Storage

SYS-CON Events announced today that Outscale will exhibit at SYS-CON’s 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. Outscale’s technology makes an automated and adaptable Cloud available to businesses, supporting them in the most complex IT projects while controlling their operational aspects. You boost your IT infrastructure’s reactivity, with request responses that only take a few seconds.

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[session] #Serverless Applications | @CloudExpo @IBMcloud #AI #OpenWhisk

Apache OpenWhisk on IBM Bluemix provides a powerful and flexible environment for deploying cloud-native applications driven by data, message, and API call events. In his session at 20th Cloud Expo, Daniel Krook, Software Architect, IBM Watson and Cloud Platform, and Distinguished IT Specialist, will discuss why serverless architectures are attractive for many emerging cloud workloads and when you should consider OpenWhisk for your next project. Then get started on Bluemix with three sample applications covering how the OpenWhisk programming model enables you both to implement REST APIs and process non-HTTP events at scale.

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WannaCry and the public cloud: The CISO perspective

By Matthew Sharp, CISO, Logicworks

I recently attended a CISO Executive Summit here in NYC.  The room was packed with 175 CISOs and top-level security leaders from various industries.  There was broad agreement that WannaCry was a scramble for many of their teams, and created a long weekend for some.  We concurred that we were lucky the “kill switch” was triggered, and we soberly recognised that the exploit is being redeployed with newly weaponised malware.

The consensus among CISOs is that some key processes were tested, and those with critical structures in place fared much better than those with less mature programs.  At the same time, the incident highlighted the benefits of public cloud computing – and the need to apply automation in order to respond quickly and proactively to threats.

Implementing a strategy to protect and respond to attacks like these goes beyond patching and extends to automating provisioning that supports continuous integration / continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, and adopting the tenants of immutable infrastructure. When your infrastructure is designed to operate like a piece of software, you can reduce or eliminate the time it takes to respond to events such as WannaCry.  We have found AWS indispensable in that regard.

In the best case, clients have a defence in depth strategy with strong endpoint technologies employing artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistical analysis or other buzz-wordy endpoint mitigation technologies.

This is then combined with the abstraction layer afforded by public cloud providers that empowers a clear use of automation, often driven via Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and purposeful orchestration.  The powerful result is that clients can perfectly define the intended state of every environment.  They can then provide assurance that the congruence between dev, stage, test, prod is precise.  By doing so, they accelerate their ability to deploy micro changes in addition to patches and configuration updates while understanding and mitigating many of the risks associated with change.

This year’s DevOps report again confirms that DevOps practices lead to better IT and organizational performance. High-performing IT departments achieve superior speed and reliability relative to lower-performing peers. The 2015 survey showed that high-performing teams deploy code 30 times more often and with 200 times shorter lead times than their peers. And they achieve this velocity and frequency without compromising reliability — in fact, they improve it. High-performing teams experience 60 times fewer failures.

In the case of WannaCry, the malware exploited a critical SMB remote code execution vulnerability for which Microsoft has already released a patch (MS17-010) in mid-March. 

For clients already taking advantage of agile operations and leveraging public cloud technologies, their environments were unaffected because patches were applied months ago. If it had been a zero-day exploit, the ability to implement configuration changes efficiently means that teams must still scramble to patch, but you avoid the long weekends.

The post WannaCry and Public Cloud appeared first on Logicworks.

Business use cases for software-defined storage going up – but with a caveat

The vast majority of respondents polled by DataCore say they plan to or have already moved to software-defined storage, with simplifying different models of storage the primary business driver.

The study, which polled 426 IT professionals currently using or evaluating various storage models, found that simplifying storage was the primary reason for implementing software-defined storage for 55% of respondents. Future-proofing infrastructure was cited by 53% of those polled, while avoiding hardware lock-in was also cited by more than half (52%) of respondents.

Despite this, almost one third (31%) of those polled said that cloud storage initiatives failed to reduce costs. 29% noted that managing object storage was ‘difficult’, while 16% said utilising Flash failed to accelerate applications.

The report also examined levels of spending on various technologies. Not surprisingly, software-defined storage topped the rankings, with 29% of respondents saying more than a tenth of the company’s overall budget was allocated to it. In what was described by DataCore as a surprising finding, 70% of respondents said investing in OpenStack storage was ‘not applicable’.

Uptake of hyperconverged infrastructure was also lower than expected, the report noted, with 34% of respondents saying they had considered hyperconverged but not deployed it, and an additional 33% saying they were not considering it at all.

Writing for this publication earlier this month, Richard Eglon, marketing director at Agilitas, mused on what the rise of hyperconverged means for marketers. “Marketers have always had to adapt to change and embrace technology advancements in order to succeed,” he wrote. “As a result, a new breed of the collaborative hyper-marketer is emerging that will need to accelerate that pace of change in today’s hyperconverged workplace.”

You can take a look at the full report here.

Edge Computing vs Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is now an established technology that transforming the world in more ways than we can imagine. But, technology and its outreach is growing too, so can cloud computing manage all the data.

Let’s take an example here. The Internet of Things (IoT) is real and will soon become an integral part of our lives. It will ease our everyday operations and become a handy way to get more out of life. At the same, IoT will generate large amounts of data, way more than what we can even imagine to begin with.  A report from Cisco states that cloud computing will grow by four-fold before 2020, and will reach a whopping 14.1ZB (zettabytes) of data. To give you a perspective, 2015 had a mere 3.9ZB of data.

This explosive growth brings up the question of whether cloud computing can handle this workload. Is the existing infrastructure capable of processing such vast amounts of data? Well, the simple answer is we don’t know. Based on some estimates, it may be possible, but still the infrastructure will be overworked.

To ease out this pressure on cloud computing, we can use what’s called edge computing. This is a technology that allows us to move computation to the edges of the network, thereby distributing the workload among different nodes. In contrast, cloud computing is the process where all the data are collected and processed in a centralized location. Obviously, moving data to the edges can make computing faster and data more accessible since much of this happens near the data source.

These benefits have triggered the big question – can edge computing replace the cloud?

No, because cloud and edge computing are complementary technologies that can work in tandem. There’s no need for one to replace the other completely, rather both centralized and edge processing can happen. This way, more data can be processed without putting excess pressure on the underlying infrastructure, and at the same time, it can give superior service to customers as the workload is distributed.

Additionally, end devices can be made smaller and cheaper because they don’t require any computing capabilities at all. With edge computing, a fair amount of processing will happen at the nodes and the remaining will be handled by centralized cloud computing infrastructure. There’s no need for any processing from the end devices and this could be a huge saving for customers, both in terms of size and cost.

Another benefit of using both the technologies is better management of applications and more resilience. With cloud computing, we’re relying heavily on the network to move our data to a central location and this is going to cause network congestion sooner or later. When we combine edge computing, we can obviously avoid this network congestion and improve the overall performance of our applications.

This integration of both edge and cloud computing opens new possibilities for a connected world because we’re no longer restrained by network  and infrastructure limitations. Exciting times are ahead of us for sure!

The post Edge Computing vs Cloud Computing appeared first on Cloud News Daily.