UnboundID Research: Real Identity Data Is More Valuable

“There’s great value for corporations who choose to properly use digital identity data to market to individuals, not segments,” said Andy Land, Vice President of Marketing at UnboundID, on the release of new research by UnboundID that offers insight into the value of a consumer’s digital identity.
“Consumers already know that companies use their data,” Land observed, “the key is to use their data to create a better experience for the consumer. Tying multi-source data together with user consent creates a comprehensive identity profile, resulting in enhanced, more personalized marketing to the end user.”
The report, “Valuing Identity in Today’s Digital World,” shows that using real identity data increases a consumer’s profile value by up to 100 times when compared to aggregated, anonymous data. Real identity data is valued in the hundreds of dollars (up to $124 per identity) as compared to pennies on the dollar for aggregated, anonymous data.

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