The DNA of Cloud Security

When it comes to the cloud, there is a great deal of misconception. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, does that make your application or service truly cloud-based? No. If it doesn’t have the proper “cloud DNA,” it means the end user organization is not realizing the oft-hyped benefits and true ROI the cloud promises.
Just like the Boston Red Sox and lo-cal deserts and hybrid cars, everybody loves a bandwagon. We get caught up in the hype. Business concepts are not immune. Cloud and cloud-centric computing have been getting a great deal of play in business media and the blogosphere, and most companies are quickly moving to adopt various cloud platforms. So much so that that many solutions that claim to be cloud, really are nothing but server-based enterprise applications wrapped in a browser experience.

Just because you access an application from the Internet, does NOT make it a cloud solution. It might look like a duck and quack like a duck, but when you look at its DNA, it’s more like an old goose. So what? If it doesn’t have the proper “cloud DNA,” it means the end user organization is not realizing the oft-hyped benefits and true ROI the cloud promises. AND, if an organizations goal is meant to embrace the cloud as a go-forward enterprise IT strategy, it will discover that applications and solutions without the right DNA will need to be replaced.

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