Tech News Recap for the Week of 2/8/2016

Were you busy last week? Here’s a tech news recap of articles you may have missed for the week of 2/8/2016!

Oracle posted a Java patch for a bug that could compromise Windows machines. VMware announced a bunch of licensing and product changes including end-of-life, pricing, and new feature information. The U.S. Government wants to increase IT spending 1.3% in its proposed budget. The Microsoft Azure IoT Hub connects and manages Internet of Things devices. Google made improvements to gmail’s security, a hacking group is targeting ATMs to dupe banks, and a man loaded malware in his ‘My Documents’ folder to turn the tables on scammers. To get real-time updates on all of the most important tech news, follow GreenPages on Twitter!

Tech News Recap

Microsoft Office 365: Expectations vs. Reality. Strategies for Migrating & Supporting Mobile Workforces [Download on-demand webinar]



By Ben Stephenson, Emerging Media Specialist