Tech News Recap for the Week of 2/2/2015

Were you busy last week? Here’s a quick tech news recap of articles you may have missed from the week of 2/2/2015. As a reminder, your chance to win a GoPro ends this Thursday – all you have to do is subscribe to this blog!

Tech News RecapThe biggest story this week was hands-down the data breach that happened at Anthem. Hackers stole social security numbers and other personal data from brands that included Blue Cross, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Amerigroup and more. In addition, there was other hacking news involving both Russia and China. Tablet sales dipped for the first time ever. There were numerous articles from last week’s VMware’s Partner Exchange Conference. We’ll be posting a blog from our CTO Chris Ward later in the week breaking down all the top news that came out of the conference, so stay tuned for that.



Tech News Recap

If you’re looking for more information around Windows 2003 End of Life, register for our upcoming webinar. Remember, that July, 14th date is rapidly approaching!


By Ben Stephenson, Emerging Media Specialist