Tech News Recap for the Week of 10/6/2014

Were you busy last week? Here’s a quick tech news recap of articles you may have missed from the week of 10/6/2014.

Tech News Recap

Tech NewsThere were some big stories in the industry this week. HP and Symantec are both breaking themselves in two. The Pentagon is preparing to put high-risk secret documents in the cloud. More ATM malware, a cyber attack on Japanese Airlines, and thousands of user photos leaked through a third party Snapchat app. Rackspace is offering to sell and manage Google Apps for work for its customers. To stay up-to-date on the top news from the industry throughout the week, follow GreenPages on Twitter.

What top tech news did we miss? Leave a comment with links to any quality articles from last week that other readers may enjoy!


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By Ben Stephenson, Emerging Media Specialist