Serverless Apps Three Key Use Cases | @KubeSUMMIT @Platform9Sys #Serverless #Containers #DevOps #Docker #Kubernetes

Serverless applications increase developer productivity and time to market, by freeing engineers from spending time on infrastructure provisioning, configuration and management. Serverless also simplifies Operations and reduces cost – as the Kubernetes container infrastructure required to run these applications is automatically spun up and scaled precisely with the workload, to optimally handle all runtime requests.

Recent advances in open source technology now allow organizations to run Serverless and Kubernetes reliably, at scale, also on on-premises and private cloud infrastructure. The ability to achieve the benefits of Serverless on existing infrastructure – and not having to rely solely on public clouds – has greatly increased the adoption of Serverless across industries, including financial services, IoT, retail, healthcare, and more.

Serverless offers an incredible opportunity for business accelerate innovation and reduce operational costs – both for green field applications, as well as for established organizations with legacy applications and technical debt.

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