Nutanix update offers full visibility for all cloud environments

Clare Hopping

2 Nov, 2018

Nutanix has updated Nutanix Beam, offering businesses full visibility across their public and private cloud environments, including on-premise set-ups. This means applications can be run in the environment most suited to them, saving businesses time and money.

The company explained that often, businesses are running applications in unsuitable environments. For example, those that carry out predictable tasks, such as data back-up, databases and enterprise applications that are cheaper to run within private cloud environments, while those that change a lot, such as mobile or IoT services are better suited to public cloud environments that are more scalable.

Beam can identify these application patterns and autonomously use the platform best suited for each application and workload, offering key insights such as cloud spend patterns from a single management dashboard.

“Hybrid cloud is no longer considered a brief stopping point in the journey toward an all public cloud future. It’s a first-class destination as customers realise they want the complementary benefits of the public and private cloud,” Sunil Potti, chief product and development officer at Nutanix said.

“For this to be successful, companies need to understand how they’re using infrastructure no matter what the platform and from a single view. Nutanix Beam now provides that visibility so customers can finally make informed decisions about their entire infrastructure.”

Another update to the platform will mean businesses can see precise Nutanix licence spending metrics too, allowing decision makers to view how much each Nutanix cluster is costing them, with notifications if they need to boost their software at any time.