In 2003, IT Didn’t Matter. Does It Matter Now? | @CloudExpo #DX #Cloud #DevOps

In the decade following his article, cloud computing further cemented Carr’s perspective. Compute, storage, and network resources have become simple utilities, available at the proverbial turn of the faucet. The value they provide is immense, but the cloud playing field is amazingly level. Carr’s quote above presaged the cloud to a T.

Today, however, we’re in the digital era. Mark Andreesen’s ‘software is eating the world’ prognostication is coming to pass, as enterprises realize they must become software companies to remain competitive.
The value IT brings to such companies is unquestionable. If Carr’s conclusions hold up, however, such technology will become less strategic as it becomes more ubiquitous – suggesting that digital enterprises are in for a world of hurt.

Perhaps we should set aside his conclusions as more applicable to a decade gone by. Or maybe there’s more to digital transformation than meets the eye?

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