ICT remains mostly in-house, but cloud services adoption is growing

Dr Steve Hodgkinson, Research Director, IT, Asia Pacific

Ovum publishes Australian CIO Survey: ICT Challenges, Investment Priorities, and Sourcing Approaches

Our survey of 63 Australian CIOs across a range of sectors reveals a slightly surprising picture of the reality of ICT management compared to the media hype.

While alternative sourcing approaches such as shared services, outsourcing, and cloud services are much discussed at conferences and in the media, the reality for this group of CIOs is that ICT management is still about managing the people, processes, and technologies of the in-house ICT department. It is therefore not surprising that a shortage of people and skills was regarded as one of the major challenges.

However, outsourcing and cloud services are projected to account for one-third of ICT activities overall in the next 1–2 years. Change is definitely coming, while perhaps more slowly than expected, and momentum for cloud services in …