Hybrid – The New Normal

Most of us are hybrids. I’m Hawaiian and Portuguese with a bit of English and old time Shogun. The mix is me. I bet you probably have some mix from your parents which makes you a hybrid. The U.S. has been called the melting pot due to all the different ethnicities that live here. I’ve got hybrid seeds for planting – my grass is a hybrid that contains 90% of the fescue and 10% bluegrass so bare spots grow back and also got some hybrid corn growing. With the drought this year, some farmers are using more drought resistant hybrid crops. There are hybrid cats, hybrid bicycles and of course, hybrid cars which has a 3% market share according to hybridcars.com. My favorite has always been SNL’s Shimmer Floor Wax – A Floor Wax and a Dessert Topping! Hybrid is the new normal.

Hybrid has even made it’s way into our IT terminology with hybrid cloud and hybrid infrastructures. There are Public Clouds, those cloud services that are available to the general public over the internet; Private (Internal or Corporate) Clouds, which provides cloud hosted services to an authorized group of people in a secure environment; Hybrid Clouds, which is a combo of at least one public cloud and one private cloud; and, what I think will become the norm, a Hybrid Infrastructure or Hybrid IT, where there is a full mix of in-house corporate resources, dedicated servers, virtual servers, cloud services and possibly leased raised floor – resources are located anywhere data can live, but not necessarily all-cloud.

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