Hybrid Container Serverless Mobile Backend | @KubeSUMMIT @IBMcloud @BluMareks #CloudNative #Serverless #Mobile #HybridCloud #Kubernetes

So you’ve been hearing a lot of buzz about Serverless tech in conjunction with Containers and Mobile, but what exactly is the serverless or cloud functions in reference to containers? Come find out at this session. Serverless has become the new style of coding, and it might be perfect to offload your mobile apps, and container based systems without incurring unnecessary costs.

Get an intro into serverless/function-as-a-service/cloud native technologies in the Mobile-Backend-as-a-Service (MBaaS) context and learn why startups and enterprises are so excited about using it. We will be demoing Serverless and containers in Swift and iOS, and in Java for Android, and covering the following:

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