Future Business Trends in Tech: Looking Forward to 2025 By @Stratustician | @CloudExpo #Cloud #BigData

When it comes to how trends like Big Data, mobility, cloud computing and social networking have impacted organizations, it’s clear that it has led to a large shift that has paved the way for a new market of startups who boldly embrace these trends and other organizations who are still struggling to keep up. But these trends have only started to pave the way for what we might see in the next 10 years, and the future is exciting.

We’ve seen the impact the four tech mega trends; Big Data, Always-Connected Mobile Devices, Social Networking and Cloud Computing, have on the way organizations operate. These trends mean they now need to be able to not just spot new opportunities, but also be able to innovate in an agile way, demonstrate transparency and trust, and deliver a unique and personalized user experience 24/7 in real time. These changes have had a significant impact in how the global economy interacts between customers and organizations across all platforms both physical and digital.

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