DevOps Inspires a New Era of SQA | @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps]

High-performing enterprise Software Quality Assurance (SQA) teams validate systems that are ready for use – getting most actively involved as components integrate and form complete systems. These teams catch and report on defects, making sure the customer gets the best software possible. SQA teams have leveraged automation and virtualization to execute more thorough testing in less time – bringing Dev and Ops together, ensuring production readiness. Does the emergence of DevOps mean the end of Enterprise SQA? Does the SQA function become redundant?
In her session at DevOps Summit, Anne Hungate, Senior Director of Software Quality at DIRECTV, advocated for the evolution of Software Quality Engineering. She discussed how the role and impact of an SQA organization changes with DevOps and offer practical steps to move from assurance late in the lifecycle, to prevention, analytics, and customer insight. Anne also discussed how SQA teams are becoming more skilled in engineering methods and making the DevOps journey successful.

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