Compliance and Security | @CloudEXPO #Cybersecurity #GDPR #ArtificialIntelligence

In 2018, the shifting emphasis to IoT, Artificial Intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR) and automation seem to overshadow cloud; yet, I believe it is just the opposite. A recently published industry survey shows that by 2020, the use of public cloud will grow dramatically. Business goals related to actively adopting AI, IoT and machine learning strategies are prompting IT teams to consider outsourced cloud and cloud experts to move faster than competitors. The formats and pilots incorporating these technologies can be seen across multiple markets and segments including government, retail, and industrial bases. The use of AI, VR, and IoT is also driving the technology, compliance and cybersecurity markets necessary to support these innnovations. For example, nowadays there are a number of automotive, entertainment and digital marketing companies with dedicated cyber teams.

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