Cloud Performance Replaces Security as Top Cloud Concern

This Week in Cloud Update

Starting in August, we will be changing the name of This Week in Cloud to TechViews in order to cover other trends in addition to cloud computing, such as mobility, big data, and DevOps. Along with the name change, we will be updating the layout and the email address from which the newsletter is sent. Please be sure to add to your trusted email recipient list.

Cloud News

  • A survey by Compuware of 468 tech managers found that 80% of respondents were concerned about hidden cloud costs, from unexpected bottlenecks to losing customers, according to this Investors story. Concerns over poor end-user performance and revenue loss were also top of mind, however security did not rank in the top seven concerns listed.

  • A new report by IDC predicts that spending on private cloud services by the U.S. federal government is expected to reach $1.7 billion in 2014 and $7.7 billion by 2017, according to this CBR online article.

  • CloudVelocity released One Hybrid Cloud software which aims to seamlessly migrate applications between cloud platforms and data centers, according to this Data Center Knowledge article.

  • New data from Forrester reveals that only one third of UK firms have implemented or are planning to implement cloud computing services, according to this article.

Featured Article

Debating DevOps: Culture, Change Could Prove Biggest Obstacle #TechViews

By Denise Dubie, CA Technologies

Denise Dubie

Technology won’t necessarily be the issue for organizations looking to adopt a DevOps methodology. That is, at least, according to a #TechViews tweetchat on the topic of DevOps hosted recently by @TrendsinTech.

“@AndiMann A4. 5 things are key challenges to #DevOps. In order: People. People. People. People. Oh, and people. 😉 #TechViews”

The biggest challenge organizations will face is cultural, as a change in how things are done internally could prove to be the biggest hurdle potential DevOps adopters will encounter, according to chat participants. Read the full article.

Cloud Views

  • Is the next start-up frontier the classroom? In this Cloud Tweaks blog, Adam Hausman discusses how cloud computing and the chance to work toward positive change are drawing entrepreneurs to education start-ups.

  • Who can see your data in the cloud? In this ComputerWorld article, Thomas Trappler discusses how to set up a cloud contract to protect data in the cloud and in this Cloud Luminaries video, he discusses the art of cloud contract negotiations.

Trend Watch

  • What’s the relationship between mobile and big data? In this Business Insider article, Josh Luger discusses how consumers are producing more data with mobile devices and how big data is optimizing mobile experiences.

  • A Strategy Analytics report revealed that in the first quater of 2013, 30% of global smartphone sales were driven by business users, according to Wireless Week article.

  • Ovum recently reported that one third of smartphone owners are participating in BYOD without IT’s knowledge, according to this ZDNet article.

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