Cloud Monitoring Essentials | Part 2: Security

Part 2 of Cloud Monitoring Essentials presents 3 key actions to ensure that cloud users maintain a strong security posture.
The cloud offers users agility and flexibility at, potentially, a far lower cost than a traditional data center model. However, with these benefits come risks from cost sprawl, security holes, and availability management. Part 1 of Cloud Monitoring Essentials focused on cost concerns. This second part looks at security.
The dynamic nature of the cloud, with ever-changing security groups and rules, makes security difficult. New instances, auto scaling groups, and buckets are created and terminated daily. Resources that were ‘secure’ yesterday may be altered today and your security posture may be compromised.
The distributed and centralized nature of the cloud creates security headaches. Not only is the deployment regularly changing, but the people changing it are across groups and departments.

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