Cloud Expo Trademarks Infringed Again

Cloud Expo and Cloud Expo Europe, registered trademarks of parent company SYS-CON Media, Inc., are being infringed by an event in London that is using the Cloud Expo Europe name.
Cloud Expo is not affiliated with the London event that is using its Cloud Expo Europe name, it is not Cloud Expo’s company, and it is not Cloud Expo’s show. Cloud Expo provides the best events in the business and will continue to do so.
Cloud Expo, Cloud Expo East, Cloud Expo West, Cloud Expo New York, Cloud Expo Silicon Valley, Cloud Expo Europe, Cloud Expo Tokyo, Cloud Expo Prague, Cloud Expo Hong Kong, Cloud Expo Sao Paolo are trademarks and /or registered trademarks (USPTO serial number 85009040) of Cloud Expo, Inc.

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