Cloud Expo: Reaching China with Your Website & Cloud Application

Reaching customers and employees with cloud applications when they are located in emerging markets (such as Russia, Indonesia, Brazil and China) poses a major challenge. This is especially true for China, which has not only the largest Internet user base (twice that of the US and growing fast) but a lack of modern Internet infrastructure as well as licensing and regulatory hurdles, including the “Great Firewall.”
In his session at the 11th International Cloud Expo, Jerry Miller, Vice President of Technology at CDNetworks, will discuss the various challenges to serving this market and how a CDN (Content Delivery Network) can help you not only deliver a fast download of your website and web applications even in China, but can also help you manage content and regulatory issues. You will hear how a major European-based financial trading platform saved millions of dollars a day in lost revenue by eliminating dropped trades caused by latency in China. You will also hear how a major UK-based luxury retail platform is now reaching China’s growing luxury market with fast page loads and ecommerce transactions. In addition, hear how Silicon Valley based SEMI is serving 26 websites in China and other emerging markets with 100% uptime and superfast load times. This session will be full of benchmarks, case studies, examples, and charts.

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