Cloud Computing Transforming IT

One thing people can agree on is that the cloud is the most transformative information technology to come along in decades – on the same level as the rise of the personal computer or the Internet. And that means there is a lot at stake for enterprises struggling to lay down the foundations needed to support cloud operations going forward, according to a post on IT Business Edge.
It’s possible to identify the key factors in successful cloud development that will encourage the cloud’s transformative aspects while diminishing its disruptive ones. These include user attitudes, technologies and processes, all of which have a lot to gain and lose depending on the way cloud systems are architected and implemented, according to Arthur Cole of IT Business Edge.
“With something as complex as the cloud, it would be foolish to think that finding the optimal mix of services, infrastructure and resources would be easy,” he writes, adding that pursuing the deployment, management and governance of the cloud is well worth it.

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