Check on In and Eat This Dog Food

Jim Barksdale is a pretty quotable guy, work for him for a few years like I did at Netscape and you leave with a small library of “Barksdalisms” that just stick with you. One of Jim’s sayings was, “It ain’t dogfood unless the dog comes off the porch to eat it…”.
While Jim was making the point that you can love your product, but if the customers doesn’t buy it it ain’t worth much. Let’s take a look at a few cool examples of this…
Ever feel like escaping the doldrums of your computer, sitting down by a mountain lake and skipping stones? Sounds like fun. That’s exactly the experience that the SkipTown promo for Sun Valley created by San Francisco design firm 11 did. And while Skippy has since retired, check out the video of the world’s first (and maybe only?) web controlled stone skipping robot from Sun Valley Idaho.

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