Wired has a cautionary tale for you to read as you consider the perils as well as the promise of could computing.
New York startup DigitalOcean says that its cloud server platform may be leaking data between its customers.
Kenneth White stumbled across several gigabytes of someone else’s data when he was noodling around on DigitalOcean’s service last week. White, who is chief of biomedical informatics with Social and Scientific Systems, found e-mail addresses, web links, website code and even strings that look like usernames and passwords — things like 1234qwe and 1234567passwd.
The problem started in mid-January, when DigitalOcean introduced a new solid state drive storage service. “The code that wipes the data — that securely deletes the data — was not being activated under the new SSD storage plans,” according to DigitalOcean CEO Ben Uretsky .
Read the details (and weep).

Wired has a good article today on some of the geniuses and startups in the Virtual Networking space, and how they might “remake the internet.”
Together with Dan Dumitriu — another Amazon vet steeped in the science of massive computing systems — de Candia is one of the key engineers behind a company called Midokura. Much like the oft-discussed Silicon Valley startup Nicira, Midokura deals in virtual networks — computer networks that exist only as software.
Over the past decade, VMware, Microsoft, and others have helped move the world’s computing applications onto virtual servers — machines that exist only as software — and now, a new of wave of companies is fashioning software for building complex virtual networks that tie all those virtual servers together. That’s a hard concept to grasp, but basically, these companies are moving the brains of the network out of hardware and into software.
Read the article.

The cloud news categorized.