Actuate Corporation, the people behind BIRT and an open source Business Intelligence (BI) vendor, today announced a collaboration between Actuate BIRT and the Hortonworks Data Platform, to enable Big Data visualization. The Hortonworks Data Platform is a completely open source, tightly integrated and tested distribution of Apache Hadoop, backed by extensive customer support and training.
The ActuateOne integrated product suite—built around BIRT—uses native access Hive query to leverage MapReduce functions to extract data from Hadoop, pulling those data sets into customizable BIRT-based dashboards and scorecards for interactive visualization and analysis.
“We have dedicated significant resources to make Apache Hadoop more robust and easier to integrate, extend, deploy and use,” said John Kreisa, VP of Marketing at Hortonworks. “Our partnership with open source BI leader Actuate enables more users to cost effectively analyze vast amounts of data stored in Hadoop using open source technologies.”
“Actuate’s collaboration with Hortonworks will ease the transition from Big Data hype to Big Data usefulness,” said Nobby Akiha, Senior Vice President of Marketing at Actuate. “We believe the key to success with Big Data lies in building the right infrastructure to manage it. Teaming with Hortonworks will further our goal of helping organizations figure out how best to leverage and integrate Big Data sources to enable better decision making.”
Large organizations are increasingly turning to Apache Hadoop for the storage and management of massive amounts of data and thus need scalable ways to explore, analyze and visualize the insights stored within it. The combination of the Hortonworks Data Platform’s distributed processing of Hadoop data sources of any size, with Actuate’s scalable infrastructure and intuitive data visualization capabilities, enables organizations to more effectively operationalize Big Data for thousands of customers, partners and employees.