C12G Labs Releases OpenNebula 4.0 Cloud Management Platform

The OpenNebula project has just announced the immediate availability of OpenNebula 4.0 Eagle. The project has come a long way since the first “technology preview” of OpenNebula five years ago. During these years it has witnessed the rise and hype of the Cloud, the birth and decline of several virtualization technologies, but specially the encouraging and exciting growth of OpenNebula; both as a technology and as an active and engaged community.
OpenNebula 4.0 is the result of the terrific feedback of the day-to-day operation of virtualized infrastructures by many of its users, result of all their contributions, bug reports, patches, and translations, but one and foremost, OpenNebula 4.0 is the realization of a vision of simplicity, openness, code-correctness and a sysadmin-centric approach. This defines its personality as a community, it defines the OpenNebula Way.
OpenNebula 4.0 includes new features in most of its subsystems. It is showing for the first time a completely redesigned Sunstone, with a fresh and modern look and an updated workflow for most of the dialogs. The also new Sunstone Views functionality allows to customize the GUI for each type of user or group, so the interface implements a different provisioning model for each role. A whole new set of operations for VMs like system and disk snapshoting, capacity re-sizing, programmable VM actions and IPv6 among others. There are some new drivers also, like Ceph; as well as improvements for VMware, KVM and Xen. The scheduler has received some attention from the OpenNebula team to easily define more placement policies… and much more.

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