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All posts by Latest News from @CloudExpo
Secrets of Our Sponsors | @ExpoDX #IoT #DevOps #FinTech #SmartCities #ArtificialIntelligence #DigitalTransformation
The best way to leverage your CloudEXPO | DXWorldEXPO presence as a sponsor and exhibitor is to plan your news announcements around our events. The press covering CloudEXPO | DXWorldEXPO will have access to these releases and will amplify your news announcements. More than two dozen Cloud companies either set deals at our shows or have announced their mergers and acquisitions at CloudEXPO. Product announcements during our show provide your company with the most reach through our targeted audiences.
Secrets of Our Faculty | @CloudExpo #Serverless #AI #IoT #IIoT #DevOps #FinTech #Blockchain #DigitalTransformation
With 10 simultaneous tracks, keynotes, general sessions and targeted breakout classes, @CloudEXPO and DXWorldEXPO are two of the most important technology events of the year. Since its launch over eight years ago, @CloudEXPO and DXWorldEXPO have presented a rock star faculty as well as showcased hundreds of sponsors and exhibitors!
Securing Velocity | @DevOpsSummit #CloudNative #Serverless #AI #DevOps
The next XaaS is CICDaaS. Why? Because CICD saves developers a huge amount of time. CD is an especially great option for projects that require multiple and frequent contributions to be integrated. But… securing CICD best practices is an emerging, essential, yet little understood practice for DevOps teams and their Cloud Service Providers. The only way to get CICD to work in a highly secure environment takes collaboration, patience and persistence. Building CICD in the cloud requires rigorous architectural and coordination work to minimize the volatility of the cloud environment and leverage the security features of the cloud to the benefit of the CICD pipeline.
Reference Architecture for #Microservices | @CloudExpo #Serverless #DevOps
The goal of Microservices is to improve software delivery speed and increase system safety as scale increases. Microservices being modular these are faster to change and enables an evolutionary architecture where systems can change, as the business needs change. Microservices can scale elastically and by being service oriented can enable APIs natively. Microservices also reduce implementation and release cycle time and enables continuous delivery. This paper provides a logical overview of the Microservices Reference Architecture that highlights various sub systems needed to support Microservices deployment and execution.
Accelerate Development with @Opsani_ | @DevOpsSummit #Serverless #DevOps #Docker #ContinuousDelivery
“Opsani helps the enterprise adopt containers, help them move their infrastructure into this modern world of DevOps, accelerate the delivery of new features into production, and really get them going on the container path,” explained Ross Schibler, CEO of Opsani, and Peter Nickolov, CTO of Opsani, in this interview at DevOps Summit at 21st Cloud Expo, held Oct 31 – Nov 2, 2017, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.
RTC Testing Evolution with #WebRTC | @ExpoDX #RTC #Telecom #IoT #AI
It is of utmost importance for the future success of WebRTC to ensure that interoperability is operational between web browsers and any WebRTC-compliant client. To be guaranteed as operational and effective, interoperability must be tested extensively by establishing WebRTC data and media connections between different web browsers running on different devices and operating systems.
In his session at WebRTC Summit at @ThingsExpo, Dr. Alex Gouaillard, CEO and Founder of CoSMo Software, presented a comprehensive view of the numerous testing challenges researchers have faced before arriving at the first release candidate of the WebRTC specifications.
WebRTC and Edge Computing | @ExpoDX @NTTCom #IoT #RTC #WebRTC
Recently, WebRTC has a lot of eyes from market. The use cases of WebRTC are expanding – video chat, online education, online health care etc. Not only for human-to-human communication, but also IoT use cases such as machine to human use cases can be seen recently. One of the typical use-case is remote camera monitoring. With WebRTC, people can have interoperability and flexibility for deploying monitoring service.
However, the benefit of WebRTC for IoT is not only its convenience and interoperability. It has lots of potential to address current issues around IoT – security, connectivity and so on – based on P2P technology. It will become a key-component especially in edge computing use cases, in his view.
Whose Data Is It Anyway? | @ExpoDX @EFeatherston #GDPR #Cloud #AI #DataCenter #DigitalTransformation
Last year was another banner year for security breaches, sad but true. At times it felt like a week did not go by without the announcement of another large corporate security breach (that usually happened sometime in the past) and the personal information of millions of people was potentially at risk. One breach in particular stands out to me. The Equifax breach that occurred last September. Approximately 145 million individuals’ personal information had potentially been acquired by the hackers.
Blockchain Use Case for 2018 | @ExpoDX @EFeatherston #FinTech #Blockchain #AI #IoT #DigitalTransformation
Supply Chain. Logistics. Provenance. Hot topics around the dinner table with the family I am sure. Okay, maybe not so much. Even so, these all impact our lives daily, while we may be blissfully unaware of it. Take the dinner table for example. That savory grilled salmon filet on your plate may have come all the way from China. Those carrots and asparagus? Possibly shipped in from Peru. The fresh (out of season) fruit? Chile or Mexico could have been the origination point. What gets all those items from their source to your dinner table, while they are still fresh, is all about the supply chain.