All posts by Latest News from @CloudExpo

Totally Integrated Oracle Cloud | @CloudExpo @Oracle #Cloud

Oracle Cloud publicized as the Next-Generation Public Cloud is comprehensive, agile and can transform your business in many ways. Like other cloud offerings Oracle Cloud is also subscription based.
Oracle Cloud offers a solution which is comprehensive; having the broadest collection of cloud services; having solutions at every layer of cloud technology with ability to move speedily between on-premises and Cloud with ease.

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[session] New Performance Challenges By @JKowall | @DevOpsSummit #Containers #Microservices

Overgrown applications have given way to modular applications, driven by the need to break larger problems into smaller problems. Similarly large monolithic development processes have been forced to be broken into smaller agile development cycles. Looking at trends in software development, microservices architectures meet the same demands. Additional benefits of microservices architectures are compartmentalization and a limited impact of service failure versus a complete software malfunction. The problem is there are a lot of moving parts in these designs; this makes assuring performance complex especially if the services are geographically distributed or provided by multiple third parties.

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[video] The Digital API Value Chain | @AkanaInc @CloudExpo | #API #IoT #M2M #DevOps #Microservices

There will be 150 billion connected devices by 2020. New digital businesses have already disrupted value chains across every industry. APIs are at the center of the digital business. You need to understand what assets you have that can be exposed digitally, what their digital value chain is, and how to create an effective business model around that value chain to compete in this economy. No enterprise can be complacent and not engage in the digital economy. Learn how to be the disruptor and not the disruptee.

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IEEE Cloud Computing Magazine Focuses on GovCloud by @Kevin_Jackson | @CloudExpo #Cloud

Today I am especially proud and honored to publicly announce my appointment to the IEEE Cloud Computing Magazine Editorial Board! I am truly appreciative to Dr. Alan Sill and Dr. Masin Yousif for their trust and confidence in nominating me to this position.
As the world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology, IEEE has always been a part of my professional career. Their mission, Advancing Technology for Humanity, also aligns with my own personal aspirations and goal of helping global governments better realize the promise of cloud computing.

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Microservices and HTTP/2 By @LMacVittie | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #Docker #Containers #Microservices

There’s a lot of things we do to improve the performance of web and mobile applications. We use caching. We use compression. We offload security (SSL and TLS) to a proxy with greater compute capacity.
We apply image optimization and minification to content.
We do all that because performance is king. Failure to perform can be, for many businesses, equivalent to an outage with increased abandonment rates and angry customers taking to the Internet to express their extreme displeasure.

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Microservices & IoT Power Panel at @DevOpsSummit | #IoT #M2M #Microservices #InternetOfThings

Buzzword alert: Microservices and IoT at a DevOps conference? What could possibly go wrong?
In this Power Panel at DevOps Summit, moderated by Jason Bloomberg, the leading expert on architecting agility for the enterprise and president of Intellyx, panelists peeled away the buzz and discuss the important architectural principles behind implementing IoT solutions for the enterprise. As remote IoT devices and sensors become increasingly intelligent, they become part of our distributed cloud environment, and we must architect and code accordingly. At the very least, you’ll have no problem filling in your buzzword bingo cards.
Evangelist for F5 Networks

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