I’ve always had a fascination with the way information is acquired and process. Reading back through the history of this site, you can see this tendency towards more fanciful thinking, e.g. GPGPU assisted network analytics, future storage systems using Torrenza-style processing. What has once been theory has made its way into the realm of praxis; looking no further than ICML 2015, for example, to see the forays into DML that nVidia is making with their GPUs. And on the story goes. Having said all this, there are elements of data, of data networking, of data processing, which, to date, have NOT gleaned all the benefits of this type of acceleration. To that end, what I am going to attempt to posit today is an area where Neural Networking (or at least the benefits therein) can be usefully applied to an area interacted with every single nanosecond of every day: the network.
All posts by Latest News from @CloudExpo
[video] Cloud Monetization with @IanKhanLive | @CloudExpo #Cloud
“We have an new division call the Cloud Monetization Division, based on our platform Powua, which empowers enterprises and organizations to take the journey to cloud monetization and to make it a reality,” explained Ian Khan, Manager, Innovation & Marketing at Solgenia, in this SYS-CON.tv interview at 16th Cloud Expo, held June 9-11, 2015, at the Javits Center in New York City.
[slides] Accelerating DevOps with @Actifio | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #Docker #Containers #Microservices
Providing the needed data for application development and testing is a huge headache for most organizations. The problems are often the same across companies – speed, quality, cost, and control. Provisioning data can take days or weeks, every time a refresh is required. Using dummy data leads to quality problems. Creating physical copies of large data sets and sending them to distributed teams of developers eats up expensive storage and bandwidth resources. And, all of these copies proliferating the organization can lead to inconsistent masking and exposure of sensitive data.
But some organizations are adopting a new method of data management for DevOps that is delivering transformational business outcomes in faster time to market, lower costs, and great control.
In his session at DevOps Summit, Brian Reagan, Managing Director of Blackthorne Consulting Group, an Actifio company, reviewed the core concepts of using data virtualization to power DevOps, including Central Administration by Operations, Self-Service for developers and testers, and Automating Data Masking for enhanced control of sensitive information.
He shared real life case studies and provided a practical perspective on the benefits and considerations for these projects.
The Question Has Been Answered. SDN Is Secure | @CloudExpo #Cloud #SDN
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is one of the most interesting developments in networking to emerge in the last decade. The potential to establish a simplified infrastructure and leverage software to dynamically modify existing flow characteristics has the potential to address many concerns around hardware costs, faster service provisioning, and greater configuration control across diverse networks. However, concern for or lack of information about security is a key inhibitor to SDN adoption in today’s rapidly-evolving data centers and connected wide area network environments.
[video] Open API Approach with @IndependenceIT | @CloudExpo #API #IoT #M2M #Microservices
“We’ve just seen a huge influx of new partners coming into our ecosystem, and partners building unique offerings on top of our API set,” explained Seth Bostock, Chief Executive Officer at IndependenceIT, in this SYS-CON.tv interview at 16th Cloud Expo, held June 9-11, 2015, at the Javits Center in New York City.
[video] Securing App Delivery with @HaseebBudhani | @CloudExpo #Cloud #DevOps
“We provide a service that allows our customers to keep bad guys out and let good guys into their applications running in the public cloud, private cloud or in a classic data center,” explained Haseeb Budhani, co-founder and CEO of Soha, in this SYS-CON.tv interview at Cloud Expo, held June 9-11, 2015, at the Javits Center in New York City.
[slides] Storage for Docker Containers By @OnModulus | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #Docker #Containers #Microservices
Learn how to solve the problem of keeping files in sync between multiple Docker containers.
In his session at 16th Cloud Expo, Aaron Brongersma, Senior Infrastructure Engineer at Modulus, discussed using rsync, GlusterFS, EBS and Bit Torrent Sync. He broke down the tools that are needed to help create a seamless user experience.
In the end, can we have an environment where we can easily move Docker containers, servers, and volumes without impacting our applications? He shared his results so you can decide for yourself.
Log-level Usage Reports By @TrevParsons | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #Docker #Microservices
Log data provides the most granular view into what is happening across your systems, applications, and end users. Logs can show you where the issues are in real-time, and provide a historical trending view over time. Logs give you the whole picture.
Separating the signal from the noise is one of the biggest challenges when dealing with machine-generated log data today and has generally required deep technical expertise. However once you find that signal it can be massively useful and can help you make business decisions with a big impact. Today Logentries is announcing log level usage reports, which is one more way we are striving to do the hard work so you don’t have to!
Cloud Is No Longer Uncharted Territory By @vmTyler | @CloudExpo #Cloud
During my first trip out to the Blue Box office in Seattle this week, I thought about the coast-to-coast flight while relaxing at 40,000 feet. A journey of thousands of miles made completely routinely in about five hours. I remembered one of my favorite computer games as a kid—The Oregon Trail. It tried to capture the experience of leading a wagon train of settlers to the West Coast in 1848. The trip took almost six months and death along the way wasn’t uncommon, as the game frequently reminded you.
It’s amazing how that trip has transformed from perilous to commonplace.The need for safe travel drove massive technology advancements. We’ve seen a similar transformative push in cloud computing. Cloud computing is already having a major impact on IT services. The need for on-demand, self-service offerings from the developers and lines of business has made this a critical area for CIOs to…
Announcing @HPMnetworks to Exhibit in Silicon Valley | #IoT #M2M #API
SYS-CON Events announced today that HPM Networks will exhibit at the 17th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on November 3–5, 2015, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.
For 20 years, HPM Networks has been integrating technology solutions that solve complex business challenges. HPM Networks has designed solutions for both SMB and enterprise customers throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.