Enterprises are adopting Kubernetes to accelerate the development and the delivery of cloud-native applications. However, sharing a Kubernetes cluster between members of the same team can be challenging. And, sharing clusters across multiple teams is even harder. Kubernetes offers several constructs to help implement segmentation and isolation. However, these primitives can be complex to understand and apply. As a result, it’s becoming common for enterprises to end up with several clusters. This leads to a waste of cloud resources and increased operational overhead.
All posts by Latest News from CloudEXPO Journal
How to Sponsor @CloudEXPO Silicon Valley | #Cloud #IoT #Blockchain #Serverless #DevOps #Monitoring #Docker #Kubernetes
At CloudEXPO Silicon Valley, June 24-26, 2019, Digital Transformation (DX) is a major focus with expanded DevOpsSUMMIT and FinTechEXPO programs within the DXWorldEXPO agenda. Successful transformation requires a laser focus on being data-driven and on using all the tools available that enable transformation if they plan to survive over the long term. A total of 88% of Fortune 500 companies from a generation ago are now out of business. Only 12% still survive. Similar percentages are found throughout enterprises of all sizes.
Survey Says DevOps Maturing Rapidly | @DevOpsSUMMIT @Sonatype @CloudBees #DevOps #DevSecOps #Serverless #Kubernetes
CloudBees, the enterprise DevOps leader powering the continuous economy, along with survey lead Sonatype, announced the results of the 6th annual DevSecOps Community Survey today. While DevOps practices are maturing rapidly, corporate application security initiatives are only gradually gaining traction, according to a survey released today by Sonatype, CloudBees, Carnegie Mellon’s Software Engineering Institute and several other partners. The 2019 DevSecOps Community Survey of 5,558 IT professionals also found that organizations with elite DevSecOps programs are outperforming others in terms of DevOps automation, open source controls, container controls, training and cybersecurity preparedness. The 6th annual DevSecOps Community Survey was led by Sonatype with CloudBees as a major sponsor.
Singtel to Exhibit at @CloudEXPO Silicon Valley | @Singtel @SingtelBusiness #Cloud #AI #IoT #IIoT #Blockchain #Smartcities
The platform combines the strengths of Singtel’s extensive, intelligent network capabilities with Microsoft’s cloud expertise to create a unique solution that sets new standards for IoT applications,” said Mr Diomedes Kastanis, Head of IoT at Singtel. “Our solution provides speed, transparency and flexibility, paving the way for a more pervasive use of IoT to accelerate enterprises’ digitalisation efforts. AI-powered intelligent connectivity over Microsoft Azure will be the fastest connected path for IoT innovators to scale globally, and the smartest path to cross-device synergy in an instrumented, connected world.
CoreOS Eases Adoption of Kubernetes | @DevOpsSUMMIT @RedHat @CoreOS #DevOps #CloudNative #Serverless #Docker #Kubernetes
CoreOS extends CoreOS Tectonic, the enterprise Kubernetes solution, from AWS and bare metal to more environments, including preview availability for Microsoft Azure and OpenStack. CoreOS has also extended its container image registry, Quay, so that it can manage and store complete Kubernetes applications, which are composed of images along with configuration files. Quay now delivers a first-of-its-kind Kubernetes Application Registry that with this release is also integrated with Kubernetes Helm so that deployment of an application can be completely automated.
Fully Managed Apache Kafka and Apache Flink | @KubeSUMMIT @EventadorLabs #Kafka #Apache #Serverless #Kubernetes
As Apache Kafka has become increasingly ubiquitous in enterprise environments, it has become the defacto backbone of real-time data infrastructures. But as streaming clusters grow, integrating with various internal and external data sources has become increasingly challenging. Inspection, routing, aggregation, data capture, and management have all become time-consuming, expensive, poorly performing, or all of the above. Elements erases this burden by allowing customers to easily deploy fully managed discrete plug-ins that make streaming infrastructures a true hub for democratizing data across the enterprise. Eventador Elements provides unprecedented simplicity with the ability to eliminate any worry about the underlying infrastructure, configuration or management—it is all handled and managed by Eventador in a true cloud-native fashion.
Building & Structuring Teams for Successful DevOps Adoption | @DevOpsSUMMIT @MThreeC @ConorDevOps #DevOps #Monitoring
Conor Delanbanque has been involved with building & scaling teams in the DevOps space globally. He is the Head of DevOps Practice at MThree Consulting, a global technology consultancy. Conor founded the Future of DevOps Thought Leaders Debate. He regularly supports and sponsors Meetup groups such as DevOpsNYC and DockerNYC.
Cloud Native Computing Foundation Receives Grant from Google Cloud | @DevOpsSUMMIT #DevOps #Kubernetes
VANCOUVER, Canada, Aug. 29, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Open Source Summit North America – The Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), which sustains and integrates open source technologies like Kubernetes® and Prometheus™, today announced that Google Cloud has begun transferring ownership and management of the Kubernetes project’s cloud resources to CNCF community contributors. Google Cloud will help fund this move with a $9 million grant of Google Cloud Platform credits, divided over three years, to cover the infrastructure costs associated with Kubernetes development and distribution, such as running the continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines and providing the container image download repository.
Sponsorship Opportunities at @KubeSUMMIT Silicon Valley | #CloudNative #Serverless #AWS #Docker #Kubernetes #Microservices
As you know, enterprise IT conversation over the past year have often centered upon the open-source Kubernetes container orchestration system. In fact, Kubernetes has emerged as the key technology — and even primary platform — of cloud migrations for a wide variety of organizations. Kubernetes is critical to forward-looking enterprises that continue to push their IT infrastructures toward maximum functionality, scalability, and flexibility. As they do so, IT professionals are also embracing the reality of Serverless architectures, which are critical to developing and operating real-time applications and services. Serverless is particularly important as enterprises of all sizes develop and deploy Internet of Things (IoT) initiatives.
CloudEXPO Introduces Rockstar @KubeSUMMIT Faculty | #CloudNative #Serverless #DataCenter #Monitoring #Containers #DevOps #Docker #Kubernetes
IT professionals are also embracing the reality of Serverless architectures, which are critical to developing and operating real-time applications and services. Serverless is particularly important as enterprises of all sizes develop and deploy Internet of Things (IoT) initiatives.
Serverless and Kubernetes are great examples of continuous, rapid pace of change in enterprise IT. They also raise a number of critical issues and questions about employee training, development processes, and operational metrics.
There’s a real need for serious conversations about Serverless and Kubernetes among the people who are doing this work and managing it.
So we are very pleased today to announce the ServerlessSUMMIT at CloudEXPO.