Growth hacking is common for startups to make unheard-of progress in building their business. Career Hacks can help Geek Girls and those who support them (yes, that’s you too, Dad!) to excel in this typically male-dominated world.
Get ready to learn the facts:
Is there a bias against women in the tech / developer communities?
Why are women 50% of the workforce, but hold only 24% of the STEM or IT positions?
Some beginnings of what to do about it!
All posts by Latest News from @CloudExpo Blog
‘Analysis in the #Cloud’ with @SendGrid | @CloudExpo
“SendGrid sends about 15 billion emails a month and process all the events associated with that, about a trillion events a year,” explained Aaron Beach, Senior Data Scientist at SendGrid, in this interview at Cloud Expo, held Nov 4-6, 2014, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.
Cloud #Microservices By @Kevin_Jackson | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #Docker #Containers
Cloud computing seems destined to be the way enterprises will use information technology. The drastic cost reductions and impressive operational improvements make the transition an unstoppable trend. The “What is cloud computing?” question now, however, seems to be morphing into “Where is cloud computing going?”
While software-as-a-service (SaaS) providers see their market rocketing upward as the easiest and quickest path for cloud adoption, infrastructure-as-a-service providers are suffering as their high-capital-cost commodity business transitions to a profit margin race to the bottom. This unsettling paradox, driven by increased competition between major infrastructure players, portends a near-term shakeout as smaller players either fail, exit or get gobbled up.
Containers Expo Blog Launched at @DevOpsSummit | #IoT #DevOps #Docker #Microservices
Containers Expo Blog covers the world of containers, as this lightweight alternative to virtual machines enables developers to work with identical dev environments and stacks. Containers Expo Blog offers top articles, news stories, and blog posts from the world’s well-known experts and guarantees better exposure for its authors than any other publication. Bookmark Containers Expo Blog ▸ Here Follow new article posts on Twitter at @ContainersExpo
Complete Install Automation By @DMacVittie | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #Docker #Microservices
It used to take months to travel across the U.S. Or any sizable landmass for that matter. One of the few really well documented wagon trains took four months to travel from Iowa to Montana… A trip that takes an airplane about four hours today. And that airplane trip is a ton safer too. That’s the power of automation, and recent advances in IT have enabled a similar curve of improvement in deployment times.
The days of weeks or months to spinning up new applications are long past. We’re all living it, so we know that Lines of Business expect servers to come available in a timeline that even a few years ago was not considered feasible in most IT shops. And generally speaking, that’s a good thing. The fact is that first virtualization, and then cloud sped the provisioning process, meaning IT had the ability to actually spin up entire systems faster.
Know Who’s on Your Network and What They Do | @CloudExpo #Cloud
Maintaining network security has never been more challenging than it is right now. Traditional network perimeters are beginning to blur in the face of consumerization, the rise of mobility, migration to the cloud, and the Internet of Things. The pursuit of business agility has driven these trends, and they offer tangible benefits, but in the rush to adopt them, information security has been left behind.
According to the Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Global State of Information Security Survey: 2015, the number of detected incidents reached 42.8 million last year. That’s an increase of 48% over 2013, and the total financial losses attributed to those security breaches were up 34% on the year before. Ever more stringent regulatory guidelines and compliance standards are also putting businesses at risk of legal liability in the event of a successful cyberattack.
nGenx Selects @IndependenceIT Cloud Workspace Suite | @CloudExpo #Cloud
IndependenceIT has been selected by nGenx to power Windows-based DaaS and application delivery on Google Compute Engine to support the delivery of GoldMine Cloud software. For independent software vendors (ISVs) like GoldMine, this expands the theater of operations to increase revenue opportunities while reducing software management and maintenance liabilities.
IndependenceIT was selected by application and desktop pioneer, nGenx, to deliver its “Bring Your Own Cloud” strategy to GoldMine and other ISVs. GoldMine will now benefit from its selection of nGenx and Google Compute Engine to cloud-enable its popular contact management software by leveraging the power of IndependenceIT’s Cloud Workspace® Suite. By combining the automation/workflow of Cloud Workspace Suite with Google Compute Engine’s performance, scale and support for Windows-based workloads, GoldMine is able to create new profit centers from its existing product line. Google Compute Engine’s support for Windows-based cloud workspaces allows software developers like GoldMine to run business critical Windows-based workloads at high performance and scale.
SingleHop to Present at @CloudExpo 2015 New York | @SingleHop #Cloud
SingleHop will speak at Cloud Expo 2015 in New York on Thursday, June 11. His presentation, “Why Public Clouds Are A Step Backwards in Efficiency,” will include an examination of the virtualization efficiencies that have been forgotten, and include tips to avoid common mistakes that as many as 90% of companies that utilize public clouds are making.
Recent estimates from Gartner predict that global IaaS spending will reach approximately $16.5 billion in 2015, growing by a projected 29.1 percent annually between now and 2019. It is clear organizations must understand how to maximize efficiencies in their IT infrastructure before committing to resources that may not provide the most value for them.
DIY Enterprise DevOps | @DevOpsSummit @Datical #DevOps #Microservcies
I read an insightful article this morning from Bernard Golden on DZone discussing the DevOps conundrum facing many enterprises today – is it better to build your own DevOps tools or go commercial? For Golden, the question arose from his observations at a number of DevOps Days events he has attended, where typically the audience is composed of startup professionals:
“I have to say, though, that a typical feature of most presentations is a recitation of the various open source products and components and how they integrated them to implement their solution. In a word, how they created their home-grown solution. Given that many of these speakers hail from startups with small teams and a focus on conserving cash, this approach makes sense. Moreover, given that these are typically small teams working at companies following the Lean Startup approach, using open source that allows rapid change as circumstances dictate makes sense as well. And, in any case, startups need to solve problems today because who knows what the future will bring?”
Is Your Data Encryption Kosher? @SafeLogic CEO at @CloudExpo NY | #Cloud
SafeLogic is proud to promote CEO Ray Potter’s speaking engagement on the agenda of Cloud Expo New York City.
Cloud Expo will be hosted at the Javits Center in Manhattan, New York, on June 9 – 11, 2015, alongside SYS-CON Media’s Big Data Expo, Internet of Things Expo, SDDC (Software-Defined Datacenter) Expo, DevOps Summit, and WebRTC Summit, to form one massive event focused on today’s hottest technologies. The need for reliable and secure data storage and processing is a common thread across each sub-event.