All posts by Latest News from @CloudExpo Blog

.@OmniTI Announces DevOps Customer Successes | @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps]

OmniTI has expanded its services to help customers automate their processes to deliver high quality applications to market faster.
Consistent with its focus on IT agility and quality, OmniTI operates under DevOps principles, exploring the flow of value through the IT delivery process, identifying opportunities to eliminate waste, realign misaligned incentives, and open bottlenecks. OmniTI takes a unique, value-centric approach by plotting each opportunity in an effort-payoff quadrant, then working with customers to focus on initiatives with high payoff and low effort – using its deep bench of operational, development and database deployment and management knowledge to keep downward pressure on effort.

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Windows Server 2003 Migration By @AppZero_Inc | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

It’s spring in the Northeast, and this week we’re launching a new blog post series, “Everything You Want to Know about Windows Server 2003 Migration.” Why a series of posts on WS2003? Even as summer and EOS is just months away, our “State of Readiness for Windows Server 2003 End of Support” survey reveals the shocking truth: most of you haven’t done anything about remediation yet, and most will not complete your upgrades before the deadline.

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Cloud Has a Down-and-Dirty Lining By @BlueBox | @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps]

What’s inside the cloud? Hard work. Cloud operators know the world inside the datacenter is gritty. Vendor marketing speak and cloudwashing quickly melt in the heat of SLAs, uptime guarantees, and users who want it now.
In his session at DevOps Summit, Hernan Alvarez, Chief Product Officer at Blue Box Group, will deliver an unvarnished look inside the world of cloud operators, from the perspective of someone who lives it. Attendees get a front-row look into the toolkits and processes that enable cloud operators to stand up and manage private clouds end to end. Bring your questions and learn how the cloud’s down-and-dirty lining gets the job done for demanding devs and users.

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The New Economics of Cloud By @ActiveState | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

Cloud computing is changing the way we look at IT costs, according to industry experts on a recent Cloud Luminary Fireside Chat panel discussion.
Enterprise IT, traditionally viewed as a cost center, now plays a central role in the delivery of software-driven goods and services. Therefore, companies need to understand their cloud utilization and resulting costs in order to ensure profitability on their business offerings.
Led by Bernard Golden, this fireside chat offers valuable insights on how organizations can get a better handle on their use of cloud computing.

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CommVault “Bronze Sponsor” of @CloudExpo New York and Silicon Valley | @CommVault [#Cloud]

SYS-CON Events announced today that CommVault has been named “Bronze Sponsor” of SYS-CON’s 16th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 9-11, 2015, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY, and the 17th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on November 3–5, 2015, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.
A singular vision – a belief in a better way to address current and future data management needs – guides CommVault in the development of Singular Information Management® solutions for high-performance data protection, universal availability and simplified management of data on complex storage networks. CommVault’s exclusive single-platform architecture gives companies unprecedented control over data growth, costs and risk. CommVault’s Simpana® software suite of products was designed to work together seamlessly from the ground up, sharing a single code and common function set, to deliver superlative Data Protection, Archive, Replication, Search and Resource Management capabilities. More companies every day join those who have discovered the unparalleled efficiency, performance, reliability, and control only CommVault can offer.

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Evaluating Private PaaS By @ActiveState | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

In comparison to Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) has experienced a slower rate of adoption. However, PaaS is coming into its own as evidenced by increased usage and top technology companies such as HP and IBM supporting open source projects like Cloud Foundry by bringing their own PaaS to market.
PaaS is important because apps are an important part of our lives. With this relatively new dependency on web and mobile applications, organizations need to find a way to automate their app deployment and management process just to stay in the game. If you are not looking for a way to speed up your pipeline, you can bet that your competition is. And PaaS is a critical component to achieving this.

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F5 Solutions Simplify Service Delivery | @F5Networks @CloudExpo [#SDDC]

F5 Networks introduced software solutions to expand its offerings and simplify service delivery across physical, virtual, and cloud infrastructures. These new, lightweight solutions extend the capabilities of the F5 Synthesis™ framework to allow all applications to receive services – from basic load balancing to more advanced security and optimization capabilities – regardless of where the applications are located.
F5® LineRate Point™ Load Balancer provides an application proxy that expands F5’s application delivery solution family with a new offering that enables customers to easily and affordably deploy layer 7 load balancing in a virtual form factor. Point Load Balancer is quick to deploy and massively scalable for cloud service providers and enterprise Software Defined Data Center (SDDC) environments, presenting a compelling option for customers with large volumes of applications that require foundational load balancing and application proxy capabilities.

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Announcing @Site24x7 to Exhibit at @CloudExpo New York [#Cloud #DevOps]

SYS-CON Events announced today that Site24x7, the cloud infrastructure monitoring service, will exhibit at SYS-CON’s 16th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 9-11, 2015, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY.
Site24x7 is a cloud infrastructure monitoring service that helps monitor the uptime and performance of websites, online applications, servers, mobile websites and custom APIs. The monitoring is done from 50+ locations across the world and from various wireless carriers, thus providing a global perspective of the end-user experience. Site24x7 supports monitoring HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, TCP, IMAP, SSL, Ping, FTP, SFTP, DNS and other Internet-facing network services.

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FierceDevOps to Exhibit at @DevOpsSummit New York | @FierceDevOps [#DevOps]

SYS-CON Events announced today that FierceDevOps will exhibit at SYS-CON’s 16th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 9-11, 2015, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY.
FierceDevOps keeps software developers and IT operations personnel updated on the latest news and trends around the rapidly evolving role of the traditional IT worker.

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Facebook, Open Compute Project Drive Transparency By @IoT2040 | @CloudExpo [#IoT]

The Open Compute Project is a collective effort by Facebook and a number of players in the datacenter industry to bring lessons learned from the social media giant’s giant IT deployment to the rest of the world.

Datacenters account for 3% of global electricity consumption – about the same as all of Switzerland or the Czech Republic — according to people I met at the recent Open Compute Summit in San Jose.

With increasing mobility at the edge of the cloud and vast new dataflows being predicted with the growth of the Internet of Things (and The Coming Age of Many Zettabytes) in the near future, the carbon footprint of the datacenter industry has become an important issue.

Jay Parikh, VP of Engineering at Facebook, Canonical CEO and sometime astronaut Mark Shuttleworth, Linux Foundation Executive Director Jim Zemlin, and HP Enterprise Group SVP Antonio Neri were among the keynote speakers.

Also speaking was OpenStack co-founder Cole Crawford, who now heads a startup called that’s dedicated to reforming the datacenter hardware industry. Open Compute CEO Corey Bell, who was named to this position in December, was also promiment during the conference.

Two Worlds, Meeting
Datacenter professionals are obsessed with the cost of electricity per kilowatt-hour, and talk in terms of PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness, the relative amount of power needed to keep all that iron in a datacenter running cool). The number of kilowatts that can be stuffed into a rack, the cost per megawatt to build a new center, and whether buildings really need to feel like meat lockers are all major topics of discussion.

Meanwhile, software professionals – like the thousands who’ve been trekking to New York and Santa Clara for Cloud Expo and @ThingsExpo – think about hybrid cloud, lean and agile programming, the new trend toward microservices, and the revival of containers.

These two worlds meet in pieces of a couple of Venn diagrams—the first in their commitments to transparency and open source, the second in their renewed thinking about containers.

Open Up!
Three of the four largest datacenter operators in the world are anything but open, according to a number of speakers at the Open Compute Summit. The fourth, Facebook, was lauded for its willingness to break from the pack. It is, of course, in any datacenter operator’s interest to share knowledge, as even small increments in improved performance and best practices can have millions of dollars of operational impact annually to a major operator.

The impacts are also important to smaller players as well. All of IT collectively uses about 10 percent of global electricity, according to several sources I’ve seen. Additionally, the emergence of smart meters, smart grids, and smart appliances will, in theory, allow a magnified impact on electricity use if the IT itself can lower electricity use by all those things attached to the IoT.

To Dream the Impossible Dream
The research I’ve led at our Tau Institute for the past three years shows that dramatic increases in societal development throughout the world will not occur unless humanity as a whole vastly improves its energy efficiency. Most developing nations use 3 to 5% of the electricity per-person as the developed world, and it will simply be impossible, economically and physically, to replicate developed levels of energy use on a global scale.

Cloud Expo | @ThingsExpo
More specifically, and in the short term, I need to note that we have just opened some key speaking opportunities on the topic of microservices and containers on the Cloud Expo | @ThingsExpo program. Please visit the website or contact me via Twitter to learn more.

The Open Compute Project is large, ambitious, and peopled with passionate proponents. But it is just one way to make a difference. Cloud Expo and @ThingsExpo are another. Please let me know any other ideas you have!

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