All posts by Latest News from @CloudExpo Blog

Cloudy with a Chance of Security By @LMacVittie | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

We found all manner of interesting practices and trends as it relates to cloud and security in our State of Application Delivery 2015 report. One of the more fascinating data points was a relationship between security posture and cloud adoption. That is, it appears that the more applications an organization migrates to the cloud, the less strict its security posture becomes.
Really. I was a bit disturbed by that, too. At least at first.

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The New Shape of Data By @ABridgwater | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

People will tell you that ‘software is eating the world’. It’s a good line and it has a good degree of truth in it, so it’s one of those terms that tends to get repeated.
A more accurate statement might be: ‘software is eating into the core operational mechanics of the business world and the control and intelligence that it affords are reflected back on the IT function itself so that our notion of hardware systems and networks are now becoming software-defined’ – but that’s not as catchy by far now is it?

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Harnessing the Power of Mobile Apps By @DanaGardner | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

Source Refrigeration and HVAC has been extending the productivity of its workforce, much of it in the field, through the use of innovative mobile applications and services.
This series of penetrating discussions on the latest in enterprise mobility explores advancements in applications design and deployment technologies across the full spectrum of edge devices and operating environments.
Our next innovator interview focuses on how Source Refrigeration and HVAC has been extending the productivity of its workforce, much of it in the field, through the use of innovative mobile applications and services.

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.@Unitrends Launches Ad Campaign on ‘Cloud Computing Journal’ | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

SYS-CON Media announced today that Unitrends, cloud-empowered all-in-one continuity solutions that increase your IT confidence, has launched ad campaigns on SYS-CON’s i-Technology sites, which include Cloud Computing Journal, DevOps Journal, Virtualization Journal, and IoT Journal.
SYS-CON Media’s interactive programs with an average 47 million pages views per month, have proven to be one of the most effective lead-generating tools for our advertising partners.
With 1.2 million qualified IT professionals across SYS-CON’s network of i-Technology sites, your company will have access to a multitude of influential enterprise development managers and decision makers in the marketplace that you’re not currently reaching.
These packages will put you in touch with your best customers and deliver the reach, impact and visibility necessary to stay competitive in today’s market.

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Moving Towards IoT: 5G Challenges and Trends | @ThingsExpo [#IoT]

5G is not just faster data and/or higher capacity only. It is much more than these obvious characteristics.

For one thing for IoT to succeed; the grand vision created for its debut on a universal scale, 5G is a must. More users; more devices interconnected at any instant of time. The 5G must address the issues arising out of interconnected devices in addition to only users. Also for IoT to succeed additional items like coverage of the serviced region (Can you hear me now!) and more efficient networks.

The data rates required by 5G are some 1000 times that provided by 4G to make things happen with low latency. One immediate challenge is the unavailability of spectrum (700 MHZ to 3 GHZ).

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Stackify Launches APM+ | @CloudExpo @Stackify [#Cloud]

Cloud-based application performance monitoring and management provider Stackify announces the launch of their APM+ (Application Performance Management) solution for Microsoft® ASP.NET, a cost-effective solution offering real-time, code-level insights for business-critical applications. This lightweight solution requires minimal server resources while giving developers continuous code-level visibility into application behavior to improve their system’s overall performance.
Stackify’s new APM+ solution was designed to run on production servers, thus allowing developers to capture and fix application performance problems immediately instead of requiring them to spend time reproducing reported errors in order to solve them. The new APM+ moves beyond many traditional APM solutions on the market that are either too expensive or have high resource utilization, causing developers to activate them only after an issue has been reported.

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.@ProfitBricksUSA Launches .NET SDK for Cloud | @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps]

ProfitBricks has launched its SDK for .NET, adding to its growing collection of libraries for the DevOps community. This new library exposes all functionality found in the SOAP API and expands ProfitBricks’ support for developers who work with Microsoft technology.
“This .NET library addition provides a powerful programmatic interface to our SOAP API,” commented Achim Weiss, Co-founder and CEO of ProfitBricks. “This release is the latest in a series of new offerings that further extend ProfitBricks’ services into the developer community. We are dedicated to providing the industry with the best in painless cloud infrastructure, and you can expect more functionality for the Microsoft developer community in upcoming months.”

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Containers & Cloud & Security – Oh My! By @EFeatherston | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

Dorothy the CIO was walking the yellow brick road of planning. She was on her way to the Emerald City to ask the great wizard of the agile data center for advice. Along the way she met two other CIOs who joined her on the journey, nicknamed Tin Man and Scarecrow. Their travels brought them to the edge of the dark forest of datacenter hype and fear.
‘‘Do you think we’ll meet any wild technologies and fears in there?’’ she asked her companions.
‘‘We might.’’ responded Tin Man.
‘One’s that devour IT projects?’’ whispered Scarecrow.
‘‘Possibly.’ said the Tin Man, ‘‘but mostly containers, and clouds, and security.’’
‘‘Containers, and clouds, and security, oh my!’’ they all murmured in unison as they entered the dark forest.

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Into the Wild Network By @MJannery | @CloudExpo [#SDN #Cloud]

Imagine you are dropped off in the middle of a jungle, without any familiarity of what to eat, where to drink, or how to build a fire and shelter. Were you ready? Do you survive? In an environment that can, quite literally, eat you alive, it helps to be equipped with the right tools and knowledge for anything that may come your way.
In fact, it’s hard to prepare yourself for any task that is constantly evolving, always growing, and undoubtedly daunting. Today’s IT professionals have to be on the lookout for any way to prepare and learn about new technological advances as they implement, maintain and grow their networks. Just like the wild, you have to be ready for anything, even when you don’t know what you’re getting ready for!

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Secure Infrastructure & Services Exhibitor @CloudExpo NY & Silicon Valley

SYS-CON Events announced today that Secure Infrastructure & Services will exhibit at SYS-CON’s 16th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 9-11, 2015, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY, and the 17th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on November 3–5, 2015, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.
Secure Infrastructure & Services (SIAS) is a managed services provider of cloud computing solutions for the IBM Power Systems market. The company helps mid-market firms built on IBM hardware platforms to deploy new levels of reliable and cost-effective computing and high availability solutions, leveraging the cloud and the benefits of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS).

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