All posts by Latest News from @CloudExpo Blog

Taking Advantage of Big Data and Cloud By @Dana_Gardner | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

GoodData created a business intelligence-as-a-service capability across multiple industries that enables users to take advantage of both big-data performance as well as cloud delivery efficiencies.
This BriefingsDirect big data innovation discussion examines how GoodData created a business intelligence (BI)-as-a-service capability across multiple industries that enables users to take advantage of both big-data performance as well as cloud delivery efficiencies. They had to choose the best data warehouse infrastructure to fit their scale and cloud requirements, and they ended up partnering with HP Vertica.

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Making the Leap to Cloud and Mobile By @Dana_Gardner | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

Globe Testing, based in Madrid, helps startups make the leap to cloud-first and mobile-first software development.
Scalability is a big issue. These days, most of the cloud providers would say that they can easily scale your instances, but for startups there are some hidden costs. If you’re not coding properly, if your code is not properly optimized, the app might be able to scale — but that’s going to have a huge impact on your books.

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Love the Cloud, Hate the Cloud By @VMware | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

In his session at 16th Cloud Expo, Simone Brunozzi, VP and Chief Technologist of Cloud Services at VMware, will review the changes that the cloud computing industry has gone through over the last five years and share insights into what the next five will bring. He will chronicle the challenges enterprise companies are facing as they move to the public cloud.
He will delve into the “Hybrid Cloud” space and explain why every CIO should consider ‘hybrid cloud’ as part of their future strategy to achieve strong security, compliance, and fast-app provisioning without having to reinvent processes or retrain the workforce.

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Anxious About Cloud Management? By @Melodye_Mueller | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

manage and govern their data environments. However, cloud computing presents new management challenges: disparate data sets; highly volatile and transient data; and pricing complexity. This often leads to day-to-day cloud management being difficult and cumbersome – at least for those not embracing a governance approach that incorporates policies.
Cloud governance – the automation of IT resources, based on business policies from a security, operational, performance and financial perspective – dramatically simplifies cloud management.

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Cloud Expo Sponsorship Opportunities Announced | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

17th Cloud Expo, taking place Nov 3-5, 2015, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA, will feature technical sessions from a rock star conference faculty and the leading industry players in the world.
Cloud computing is now being embraced by a majority of enterprises of all sizes. Yesterday’s debate about public vs. private has transformed into the reality of hybrid cloud: a recent survey shows that 74% of enterprises have a hybrid cloud strategy. Meanwhile, 94% of enterprises are using some form of XaaS – software, platform, and infrastructure as a service.

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Soha CEO to Present at @DevOpsSummit New York | @SohaSystems [#DevOps]

How do you securely enable access to your applications in AWS without exposing any attack surfaces? The answer is usually very complicated because application environments morph over time in response to growing requirements from your employee base, your partners and your customers.
In his session at 16th Cloud Expo, Haseeb Budhani, CEO and Co-founder of Soha, will share five common approaches that DevOps teams follow to secure access to applications deployed in AWS, Azure, etc., and the friction and risks they impose on the business.

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Announcing @robomq to Exhibit at @ThingsExpo New York [#IoT #M2M]

SYS-CON Events announced today that will exhibit at SYS-CON’s @ThingsExpo, which will take place on June 9-11, 2015, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. is an interoperable and composable platform that connects any device to any application. It helps systems integrators and the solution providers build new and innovative products and service for industries requiring monitoring or intelligence from devices and sensors.

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Why the “Internet of Things” Is the Next Big Thing | @ThingsExpo [#IoT]

If you’ve been paying close attention lately you’ll know that the “Internet of Things” has become one of the technology industry’s biggest buzz phrases. It’s not hard to figure why. The internet has been around for the last twenty years and it has truly revolutionized our lives, the way we work, and how we interact. Consider the transformations in business, commerce, culture, education, politics, and more.

But experts are saying we haven’t seen anything yet. If you haven’t read the recent Digital Life in 2025 report it’s well worth your time. One of the major outcomes of this research predicts that within 10 years the internet will become “an ambient information environment where accessing the Internet will be effortless and most people will tap into it so easily it will flow through their lives ‘like electricity.’

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Power Panel By @AndiMann at @DevOpsSummit New York [#DevOps]

While DevOps most critically and famously fosters collaboration, communication, and integration through cultural change, culture is more of an output than an input. In order to actively drive cultural evolution, organizations must make substantial organizational and process changes, and adopt new technologies, to encourage a DevOps culture.
Moderated by Andi Mann, panelists will discuss how to balance these three pillars of DevOps, where to focus attention (and resources), where organizations might slip up with the wrong focus, how to manage change and risk in all three areas, what is possible and what is not, where to start, and especially how new structures, processes, and technologies can help drive a new DevOps culture.

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IoT Middleware for Faster Time to Market By @robomq | @ThingsExpo [#IoT]

Internet of Things (IoT) will be a hybrid ecosystem of diverse devices and sensors collaborating with operational and enterprise systems to create the next big application.
In their session at @ThingsExpo, Bramh Gupta, founder and CEO of, and Fred Yatzeck, principal architect leading product development at, will discuss how choosing the right middleware and integration strategy from the get-go will enable IoT solution developers to adapt and grow with the industry, while at the same time reduce Time to Market (TTM) by using plug and play capabilities offered by a robust IoT middleware platform.

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