All posts by Latest News from @CloudExpo Blog

Tune into the Cloud: Price Tag By @GregorPetri | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

One of the most famous quotes of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is “Your Margin is My Opportunity”. This illustrates nicely how in the world of Amazon (and in the words of UK’s pop idol Jessie J*): “It’s not about the money³, we do not need your money³, we just wanna make the world dance!”
In the cloud this – a bit unworldly – attitude is fairly normal. Think of Facebook buying WhatsApp for about $ 16 billion, only to make it available for free to large parts of the world via For more traditional competitors this kind of “semi-philanthropic” way of doing business takes some time getting used to.

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Delivering Value with BizDevOps By @GabrielLowy1 | @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps]

Companies are rapidly adopting DevOps practices to create higher-quality software faster and more efficiently to improve customer experience, lower IT costs and enhance productivity. But the key to success for software-driven businesses is delivering value with

Using both lean and agile methodologies, DevOps brings software development, IT operations and quality assurance (QA) teams together to create a more collaborative process to deliver software and services in a faster and more continuous fashion. DevOps aims to break down IT and organizational data silos by promoting a culture of shared resources that make change and state processes across the entire application delivery chain more transparent. The end result is continuous delivery, an operational concept that is crucial to the software-defined business.

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Data Storage Corp to Present at @CloudExpo | @DataStorageCorp [#Cloud]

Chuck Piluso will present a study of cloud adoption trends and the power and flexibility of IBM Power and Pureflex cloud solutions.

Speaker Bio: Prior to Secure Infrastructure and Services, Mr. Piluso founded North American Telecommunication Corporation, a facilities-based Competitive Local Exchange Carrier licensed by the Public Service Commission in 10 states, serving as the company’s chairman and president from 1997 to 2000.

Between 1990 and 1997, Mr. Piluso served as chairman & founder of International Telecommunications Corporation, a facilities-based international carrier licensed by the Federal Communications Commission. Mr. Piluso founded ITC in 1990 and grew it from two to 135 employees with $170 million in revenues in 1997. The company had operations and agreements in many countries including Russia, Israel, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Dominican Republic, Chile and Canada. During his tenure, Mr. Piluso grew the company to the fifth largest facilities-based international carrier in the USA within five years. Mr. Piluso’s career in the telecommunications industry began in 1978 when he joined ITT Corporation’s Telephone Equipment Division.

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DevOps Summit Sponsorship Opportunities Announced | @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps]

DevOps Summit, taking place Nov 3-5, 2015, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA, is co-located with 17th Cloud Expo and will feature technical sessions from a rock star conference faculty and the leading industry players in the world.
The widespread success of cloud computing is driving the DevOps revolution in enterprise IT. Now as never before, development teams must communicate and collaborate in a dynamic, 24/7/365 environment. There is no time to wait for long development cycles that produce software that is obsolete at launch. DevOps may be disruptive, but it is essential.

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Trim Your IT “Waste” to Accelerate SDLC Velocity | @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps]

Best practices for helping DevOps and Test collaborate in ways that make your SDLC leaner and more scalable.
The business demand for “more innovative software, faster” is driving a surge of interest in DevOps, Agile and Lean software development practices. However, today’s testing processes are typically bogged down by weighty burdens such as the difficulty of 1) accessing complete Dev/Test environments; 2) acquiring complete, sanitized test data; and 3) configuring the behavior of the environment to enable complete test coverage.

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Last Minute QA Testing By @Plutora | @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps #Microservices]

It’s a “given” in software development – release schedules always slip. Requirements shift, developers underestimate timelines, and quality assurance (QA) finds unexpected defects. Another law of software development is that final release dates are often inflexible. If a market or a holiday shopping season defines your release date you understand how important it is to meet a fixed timeline.

Once you’ve promised a release to the business at the end of the quarter, you are under pressure to deliver software on time and under budget no matter how much your internal timelines have slipped. As a release manager, it is your job to make the best of a challenging situation and to find creative ways to bring a project to an on-time delivery.

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Release Management Risk Factor By @DaliborSiroky | @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps]

Here are a few questions to help you assess the scope of your release management challenges. Based on the answers to these questions, you can calculate your Release Management risk factor. This will help you understand what steps you need to take today to mitigate release management risks that accompany software development at scale.

These 100 people don’t have to be in a single group and the systems maintained don’t have to be limited to a single group. Also, note that the systems supported can span a range of customer-facing to back-office solutions – everything from a component of a large website to an email system.

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Motion to Provide Security By @Xeniar | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

Twitchell: We actually dynamically shuffle the location of data blocks across different geographic locations to radically improve data security and integrity while improving network performance. Dispersive™ SDS underpins DispersiveStorage™; this new solution works seamlessly with Dispersive™ Virtualized Networks. Together, they comprise the web-based, virtualized global infrastructure that protects data-at-rest and data-in-motion.

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Zerto Virtual Replication 4.0 Released | @ZertoCorp @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

Zerto has announced the general availability of Zerto Virtual Replication 4.0 (ZVR 4.0). The company’s enterprise-class business continuity/disaster recovery (BC/DR) software is the first to protect, replicate, and migrate data between VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V hypervisors, as well as across private, hybrid and public cloud environments including Amazon Web Services (AWS). ZVR 4.0 also allows channel partners and cloud service providers to expand their offerings to grow revenues by providing Disaster Recover as a Service (DRaaS) as part of their Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offerings.

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The CISO Role in Cybersecurity By @Kevin_Jackson | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

The average length of time in the commercial sector between a network security breach and when the detection of that breach is more than 240 days, according to Gregory Touhill, deputy assistant secretary of Cybersecurity Operations and Programs for the Department of Homeland Security. What could happen to your company during that eight-month period? Could your company survive?

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