All posts by Latest News from @CloudExpo Blog

Surviving an Environment of IT Change By @Kevin_Jackson | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

“The Federal government today is in the midst of a revolution. The revolution is challenging the norms of government by introducing new ways of serving the people. New models for creating services and delivering information; new policies and procedures that are redefining federal acquisition and what it means to be a federal system integrator. This revolution also lacks the physical and tangible artifacts of the past. Its ephemeral nature, global expanse and economic impact all combine in a tidal wave of change. This revolution is called cloud computing.”

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Search-Enabled Applications By @SushilOpenCrowd | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

Search-Enabled Applications are a new breed of applications that utilize a search index as their backbone for data retrieval. These applications can easily adapt to new data sets and provide access to both structured and unstructured data. They also provide faster data retrieval, are context-aware and enable access to all different types of data, which result in an extremely productive end-user experience.
In his session at 16th Cloud Expo, Sushil Prabhu is the CEO of OpenCrowd, will discuss a wide variety of use cases ranging from database offloading to enterprise search, to business applications like compliance and how 360-degree view customer dashboards can be implemented using this new architecture.

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Cyber Threats Are Still Flourishing | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

Our new assessment offering stems from our direct client experience and from critical data points garnered from our upcoming 2015 Global Threat Intelligence Report, which will be available next month (May 2015). The report, which was commissioned by our parent company NTT, found that the state of security systems at a wide range of large enterprise organizations still have relatively low levels of maturity – many of which have spent millions of dollars on security technologies. The report analyzed millions of logs, including six billion attacks across 18,000 global clients. This really gave us a comprehensive view of the current state of security within enterprises and also gave us the insights needed to provide clients with the right path forward. To give a little context, some of the statistics in the report showed that 76 percent of the vulnerabilities identified in client systems in 2014 were more than two years old, and almost 9 percent of those were more than 10 years old! Think about just those few points and it is not surprising that cyber threats are still flourishing.

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Storage for Docker Containers By @ABrongersma | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

Learn how to solve the problem of keeping files in sync between multiple Docker containers.
In his session at 16th Cloud Expo, Aaron Brongersma, Senior Infrastructure Engineer at Modulus, will discuss using rsync, GlusterFS, EBS and Bit Torrent Sync. He’ll break down the tools that are needed to help create a seamless user experience.
In the end, can we have an environment where we can easily move Docker containers, servers, and volumes without impacting our applications? He will share his results. You can decide for yourself.

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Microservices and #Containers | @CloudExpo [#DevOps #Microservices]

The concept and subsequent adoption of ‘Containerization” is growing at a rapid speed with the support of almost every other major player in the industry. This concept is much more efficient than the Virtualization which has been a major option for Infrastructure optimization in the past decade.

The following factors distinguish a Container from a Virtual Machine.

Containers contain Only the Application Specific libraries and binaries. They do not include a guest operating system. Rather all the operating system requirements are derived from the host computer in which the container is placed. This makes the container a really light weight super process within the host operating system. This makes the portability of containers across environments much more easier.

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Release Automation By @CAinc with @JFrog | @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps]

Artifactory binary repository management system. As one of the most widely used binary repositories and the only repository that offers a high availability clustered solution, the integration with Artifactory helps customers easily adopt CA Release Automation to optimize their entire software development lifecycle.
“Artifactory is a standard maker at the continuous-integration domain and provides the user a powerful repository experience with the freedom to choose his own tools set and ecosystem. We are happy to promote the integration with CA Release Automation and offer CA customers High Available repository to support their deployment and continuous delivery flow,” said Shlomi Ben Haim, JFrog CEO.

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Storage Industry Innovation and Disruption | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

The real battle for the future of the storage market will be between Tier 1 incumbents and hyperscale cloud providers like Amazon (AWS), Microsoft (Azure), and Google (Drive) that have novel business models, address new customers, and take new cost structures into account. For this reason, they are the true industry disruptors and the ones most likely to succeed in an era of transformation.
The storage industry is in the midst of a major transformation that will forever change its economics. Lower cost, higher performance, on-premise storage and nearly free cloud-based storage are driving both innovation and disruption in the industry.

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Culture Shock By @MJannery | @CloudExpo [#SDN #Cloud]

When the melting pot boils down to it, our network is its own culture, with recurring traffic patterns, similar end users, and equipment named after inside jokes only your company will understand. Just like living within your own culture, it’s important to not only understand HOW patterns develop, but WHY as well.

When troubleshooting a network, it’s important to know what tasks it performs on a daily basis. Denise Fishburne, a 30 year network engineer, highlights three areas to consider when finding a problem in the network.

The article was a quick read, but the points she argues make it worth the look. I thought Denise, or “Fish” as she is referred to in the article, gives great explanations of her three areas using similes and metaphors.

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Software Defined Networking | Part 3 By @MJannery | @CloudExpo [#SDN #Cloud]

It is possible to implement SDN solely using existing network infrastructure and to provide SDN overlay connectivity using tunneling technologies. That said, most people concede that some physical hardware will be needed to perform certain key network functions or at key locations within the network. Fortunately there are a growing number of physical network appliances which are SDN conversant and can form an integral part of an SDN deployment. The most widespread SDN southbound protocol being OpenFlow and many hardware vendors now provide switches, routers, etc. offering OpenFlow APIs including Cisco, Brocade, A10, Extreme, HP and many other mainstream network hardware vendors. For proprietary SDN solutions (such as Cisco ACI) the vendor’s own kit is mandated.

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Intelligent Infrastructure Exposed By @JamesCarlini | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

Getting a second perspective based on several decades of diversified experience can only fortify your decisions on strategically applying technology to your organization.
With demands on enterprise systems changing so fast, most organizations’ architectures and frameworks of Intelligent Infrastructure are in a stressful state. Many are focused on trying to maintain obsolete systems and few are willing to make a major investment in change. What was considered state-of-the-art two or three years ago can be obsolete today.

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