All posts by Latest News from @CloudExpo Blog

When Will Google Move to Iceland? By @WayneLam888 | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

As the Internet continues its rapid expansion, is it high time to move the world’s data centers to Iceland? A place that can offer 100% renewable energy at a fixed, long-term power cost.
At first glance it may seem an unusual proposition and difficult to imagine a Silicon Valley icon like Google moving/consolidating all their data centers to such a remote area. But it’s a move that may make the most strategic sense. In many ways, Iceland makes for an ideal location for the data centers of the future.
The first compelling argument is Iceland’s year-round cooler climate, which easily accommodates and dissipates the extreme heat generated by thousands of running servers. No need to run air-cooling systems at full blast during summer.

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When Will Google Move to Iceland? By @WayneLam888 | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

As the Internet continues its rapid expansion, is it high time to move the world’s data centers to Iceland? A place that can offer 100% renewable energy at a fixed, long-term power cost.
At first glance it may seem an unusual proposition and difficult to imagine a Silicon Valley icon like Google moving/consolidating all their data centers to such a remote area. But it’s a move that may make the most strategic sense. In many ways, Iceland makes for an ideal location for the data centers of the future.
The first compelling argument is Iceland’s year-round cooler climate, which easily accommodates and dissipates the extreme heat generated by thousands of running servers. No need to run air-cooling systems at full blast during summer.

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F5 Networks to Present at @DevOpsSummit NY | @F5Networks [#DevOps #IoT]

DevOps tends to focus on the relationship between Dev and Ops, putting an emphasis on the ops and application infrastructure. But that’s changing with microservices architectures.
In her session at DevOps Summit, Lori MacVittie, Evangelist for F5 Networks, will focus on how microservices are changing the underlying architectures needed to scale, secure and deliver applications based on highly distributed (micro) services and why that means an expansion into “the network” for DevOps.

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SPM REST API | @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps #API]

By popular demand…we’ve just added some new goodness to SPM with the SPM REST API. This new API lets you: create SPM Apps for monitoring (e.g. generate a new SPM App + its token during deployment; list all available metrics and charts for a specific App; list all alerts defined for some app (threshold, anomaly or heartbeat); create new alerts (of any type: heartbeat, threshold, anomaly); and enable/disable or delete individual alerts.

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SmartBear Simplifies Continuous Delivery | @SmartBear @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps]

SmartBear Software has released a TestComplete plugin for Jenkins, a popular open source continuous integration tool. The new TestComplete Jenkins plugin helps simplify and streamline continuous delivery process by making it easy for anyone to automatically execute and report on TestComplete tests through Jenkins. Customers deploying the new TestComplete Jenkins plugin are able to balance speed of application delivery with quality.
While implementing continuous delivery, organizations often simplify the release process by prioritizing product backlog and releasing requirements in small increments frequently. This helps minimize cycle time between teams and accelerate application delivery schedules. Testing, many times, however can act as a bottleneck to such faster application delivery processes.

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Why Developer Experience Matters By @Cloudant | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

Why does developer experience matters, what makes for a great developer experience and what is the relationship between developer experience and the broader field of user experience?
Software developers are gaining more influence over the purchase decisions of technologies with which they must build on and with which they must integrate. For example, the success of Amazon Web Services, Heroku and MongoDB has been driven primarily by individual software developers choosing to use these tools, rather than the by the decisions of managers or business executives.

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Real Time Connection By @AGouaillard | @WebRTCSummit [#IoT #WebRTC]

It’s time to put the “Thing” back in IoT. Whether it’s drones, robots, self-driving cars, …
There are multiple incredible examples of the power of IoT nowadays that are shadowed by announcements of yet another twist on statistics, databases, …. Sorry, I meant, Big Data(TM), tiered storage(TM), complex systems(TM), smart nations(TM), ….
In his session at WebRTC Summit, Dr Alex Gouaillard, CTO and Co-Founder of Temasys, will discuss the concrete, cool, examples of IoT already happening today, and how mixing all those different sources of visual and audio input can make your life happier and simpler.

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Sematext Blog on @DevOpsSummit | @Sematext [#DevOps]

SYS-CON Media announced today that Sematext launched a popular blog feed on DevOps Journal with over 6,000 story reads over the weekend.

DevOps Journal is focused on this critical enterprise IT topic in the world of cloud computing. DevOps Journal brings valuable information to DevOps professionals who are transforming the way enterprise IT is done.

Sematext is a globally distributed organization that builds innovative Cloud and On Premises solutions for performance monitoring, alerting and anomaly detection (SPM), log management and analytics (Logsene), and search analytics (SSA). We also provide Search and Big Data consulting services and offer 24/7 production support for Solr and Elasticsearch.

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Sematext to Exhibit and Present at @DevOpsSummit | @Sematext [#DevOps]

Application metrics, logs, and business KPIs are a goldmine. It’s easy to get started with the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) – you can see lots of people coming up with impressive dashboards, in less than a day, with no previous experience. Going from proof-of-concept to production tends to be a bit more difficult, unfortunately, and it tends to gobble up our attention, time, and money.
In his session at DevOps Summit, Otis Gospodnetić, co-author of Lucene in Action and founder of Sematext, will share the architecture and decisions behind Sematext’s services for handling large volumes of performance metrics, traces, logs, anomaly detection, alerts, etc. He’ll follow data from its sources, its collection, aggregation, storage, and visualization. He will also cover the overview of some of the relevant technologies and their strengths and weaknesses, such as HBase, Elasticsearch, and Kafka.

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The Microservices Pattern By @DavidSprott | @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps]

For those of us that have been practicing SOA for over a decade, it’s surprising that there’s so much interest in microservices. In fairness microservices don’t look like the vendor play that was early SOA in the early noughties. But experienced SOA practitioners everywhere will be wondering if microservices is actually a good thing. You see microservices is basically an SOA pattern that inherits all the well-known SOA principles and adds characteristics that address the use of SOA for distributed, finer grained software services. And like all patterns, microservices are not applicable to all situations, and it’s very important to understand the cost/benefit equation. Those folks that are heralding microservices as the “new SOA” or “the right way to do SOA” are flat wrong. Microservices is a specialization of SOA that has applicability to a relatively narrow problem space.

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